Bachelor’s studies are spread over eight semesters. The undergraduate curriculum requires a student to take a number of core (required) courses and major and minor elective courses as well, to complete a piece of research work and to do the internship. In the end of the 4th year a student takes final examinations and defends a Bachelor’s thesis.
Core Courses
- Philosophy
- Digital Literacy
- Health and Safety
- Physical Training
Major linguistic and intercultural communication courses
- Foreign Languages
- Foreign Culture Studies
- Intercultural Communication
- History, Literature, Philosophy
- Translation and Interpreting Studies
- History of Languages, Linguistics
- Methods of Foreign Language Teaching
Major compulsory courses
- Practical Course of the First Foreign Language
- Introduction to Linguistics
- Practical Course of the Second Foreign Language
- Introduction to Profession (Cross-Cultural Communication, Theory of Translation, Theory of Language Teaching)
- History and culture of the second foreign language countries
- History of Foreign Languages
- Latin
Major elective courses
Specialization 1: Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching
- Theory of the First Foreign Language
- Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching
- Practicum in Methods of Foreign Language Teaching
- ICT in Foreign Language Teaching
Specialization 2: Translation and Interpreting Studies
- Interpretation and Translation: Theory and Practice
- Theory of Translation
Specialization 3: Cross-Cultural Business Communication
- Theory of the First Foreign Language
- Intercultural Business Communication
Minor elective courses
Students who choose Translation and Interpreting Studies for their major, may sign up for a minor in Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, and vice versa. They also may select from a variety of minor courses offered within the Faculty of Humanities, among them:
- Fundamentals of Testology
- Psychology
- Foreign Literature
- Basics of Linguocultural Studies
- Academic Discourse Skills
- Stylistics and Text Interpretation
- Foreign Language Teaching in the System of Life-long Language Learning
- Foreign Language for Special Purposes
- Fundamentals of Course Syllabus Development
- Consecutive Interpreting
- World Cultural Heritage
- Organisational Communication
- Web-writing
- Business English
- Excel Skills for Business
- The Art of Debate