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Bachelor’s studies are spread over eight semesters. The undergraduate curriculum requires a student to take a number of core (required) courses and major and minor elective courses as well, to complete a piece of research work and to do the internship. In the end of the 4th year a student takes final examinations and defends a Bachelor’s thesis.

 Core Courses

  1. Philosophy
  2. Digital Literacy
  3. Health and Safety
  4. Physical Training

Major linguistic and intercultural communication courses

  1. Foreign Languages
  2. Foreign Culture Studies
  3. Intercultural Communication
  4. History, Literature, Philosophy
  5. Translation and Interpreting Studies
  6. History of Languages, Linguistics
  7. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching

Major compulsory courses

  1. Practical Course of the First Foreign Language
  2. Introduction to Linguistics
  3. Practical Course of the Second Foreign Language
  4. Introduction to Profession (Cross-Cultural Communication, Theory of Translation, Theory of Language Teaching)
  5. History and culture of the second foreign language countries
  6. History of Foreign Languages
  7. Latin

Major elective courses

Specialization 1: Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching

  1. Theory of the First Foreign Language
  2. Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching
  3. Practicum in Methods of Foreign Language Teaching
  4. ICT in Foreign Language Teaching

Specialization 2: Translation and Interpreting Studies

  1. Interpretation and Translation: Theory and Practice
  2. Theory of Translation

Specialization 3: Cross-Cultural Business Communication

  1. Theory of the First Foreign Language
  2. Intercultural Business Communication

Minor elective courses

Students who choose Translation and Interpreting Studies for their major, may sign up for a minor in Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, and vice versa. They also may select from a variety of minor courses offered within the Faculty of Humanities, among them:

  1. Fundamentals of Testology
  2. Psychology
  3. Foreign Literature
  4. Basics of Linguocultural Studies
  5. Academic Discourse Skills
  6. Stylistics and Text Interpretation
  7. Foreign Language Teaching in the System of Life-long Language Learning
  8. Foreign Language for Special Purposes
  9. Fundamentals of Course Syllabus Development
  10. Consecutive Interpreting
  11. World Cultural Heritage
  12. Organisational Communication
  13. Web-writing
  14. Business English
  15. Excel Skills for Business
  16. The Art of Debate