Tag "new at HSE"
Electronic Portfolio Offers HSE Students New Service
HSE has been implementing LMS (Learning Management System) — an electronic system of education process support – for several years. A new service, called ‘Student Electronic Portfolio’ (StEP), which is based on LMS and gathers information about students’ achievements in various fields has been developed by the Administrative Staff Development Programme project group.
HSE Receives Free Access to Dozens of Online Library Databases
The Higher School of Economics has been announced as one of the winners of an Education Ministry competition and from April the Ministry will fund access to dozens of digital resources. Deputy Director of HSE’s Library Vladimir Pislyakov talks about what e-libraries are accessible to the university’s staff and students.
IQ.hse.ru to Communicate HSE’s Research Capabilities
The Higher School of Economics has launched IQ.hse.ru, a new research and educational website containing articles featuring the results of the most interesting research carried out by the university staff, as well as video lectures, presentations of academic papers, and recent books.