Language Science Press has published a book on the Mehweb language
Language Science Press has published a book on the Mehweb language, edited by Michael Daniel and Nina Dobrushina of the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory and Dmitry Ganenkov of the Laboratory of Caucasian languages.

‘We Have Not Yet Fully Understood How Languages Work, and We Are Already Losing 90% of Their Diversity’
Why might a grandmother and her grandson not understand each other? Why would linguists want to go to Dagestan? Is it possible to save the less commonly spoken languages of small nations and Russian dialects? Nina Dobrushina, Head of the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory answered these questions in an interview with HSE News Service.
Documenting a West Circassian Dialect in Israel
From October 25 to November 1 2017, Yury Lander and Irina Bagirokova spent over a week in Israel, documenting a West Circassian dialect.
'I came here to teach, but I’ve actually learned more than I taught'
David Gil, a researcher at Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, talks about his parciticpation in TyLex summer school organised by HSE linguists.
«Now I can refer to the research conducted by Russian scholars»
TyLex — 2017 summer school on typology and lexicon gathered participants from al across the world. Shihong Zhou, a researcher at Beijing Normal University, shared his impression of the event in a short interview with the organizers of TyLex.
Francis Tyers – Drawn by Russia’s Linguistic Diversity
One of HSE’s newest faculty members is Francis Tyers, who will join the School of Linguistics on August 28 as an Assistant Professor. A native of Normanton on Soar, a small village in the south of Nottinghamshire in England, he joins HSE following a postdoctoral fellowship at UiT Norgga árktalaš universitehta in Tromsø in the north of Norway, where he worked on language technology for Russian and the Sámi languages. Prior to that, he completed PhD studies in the Department of Languages and Information Systems at the Universitat d'Alacant in Spain.
Website of the Atlas of Multilingualism of Daghestan Launched
Employees of the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory are working on an Atlas of Multilingualism of Daghestan. With support of the laboratory and the Collegium de Lyon a website was created recently, which can be used as a resource for the research of social and georgraphical particularities of multilingualism in Daghestan.
'HSE students are not content with knowing things — they immediately want to solve linguistic problems'
Guglielmo Cinque is a professor of linguistics at the University of Venice and one of the most well-known European generativists. Recently he paid a week-long visit the HSE School of linguistics, and now shares his impressions of our students and staff, as well as of this year's weather in Moscow.
"Students at HSE have a good sense of linguistic diversity"
Yale postdoc Kevin Tang recently gave a talk at HSE on his research in experimental phonology. We talked to Kevin about his conversion from an engineer to a linguist and asked him how he liked the feedback he received from HSE students.
Lecturers of HSE School of Linguistics Held Day of Caucasian Languages in Lyon
Michael Daniel, Professor at the School of Linguistics and Nina Dobrushina, Head of the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory, spoke at Laboratoire Dynamique Du Langage.