HSE University Achieves High Research Leadership Performance in Priority 2030 Programme
The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation has announced the results of the latest selection of participating Priority 2030 universities to receive an additional part of the grant.
On December 9, the council of the Priority 2030 programme reviewed reports on the results of the implementation of the HSE University development programme in 2021–2022. In accordance with the decision of the council, HSE University has confirmed its leading position in the Priority 2030 programme, entering the first group of universities to receive a grant in the field of ‘Research Leadership’.
A total of 48 universities from 22 regions became recipients of the special portion of the grant. Seven other universities joined HSE University in entering the first group of universities in the Research Leadership category: ITMO, MIPT, MEPHI, TSU, TPU, MISIS, and Bauman University. The group will receive 7.3 billion roubles by the end of 2023 in addition to the base part of the grant.
Valery Falkov
‘Over three days, we listened to universities competing for the special part of the grant. Based on the results of these defences, the members of the council to support the development programme unanimously noted the significant successes of the universities over the last year. The participants of the Priority 2030 programme took on the responsibility of becoming drivers of the development of the economy of our country and its individual regions, to be at the frontier of science and higher education. And we expect continued forward progress from the universities,’ said Valery Falkov, Russian Minister for Science and Higher Education.
Priority 2030 is the largest-scale state support programme for universities in Russia’s history. It is aimed at supporting university development programmes and increasing the contribution made by Russian universities to achieving Russia’s national development goals for the period up to 2030, facilitating the balanced spatial development of the country, and ensuring the accessibility of high-quality tertiary education across the Russian Federation.