
In-Person Instruction, Mask Regime, and Temperature Checks
The COVID-19 prevention measures HSE University is implementing in the new academic year

HSE Amends Spring Holiday Schedule: Classes Will Be Held as Usual from May 6 to 8
The HSE University Administration has signed an amendment to the academic calendar for the 2019/2020 academic year.

From Music to Sports: What to Do at HSE Day 2019
University life is more than classes and academic conferences. Whether it’s music, creativity, sports, or volunteerism, HSE Day allows you to get to know lots of extracurricular activities and meet fellow HSE students with common interests. Below is a list of venues were you can do this.
HSE Strengthens its Position in QS World University Rankings by Subject
Russian universities are traditionally poorly represented in the humanities due to the nature of this subject area. However this year, the HSE was ranked in 4 subjects.
The university also climbed the rankings in ‘Philosophy’ (to the 101-150 range).
HSE Students in All Fields of Study Can Now Choose Exchange Programmes in China
HSE and East-China Normal University (ECNU) have signed a new student exchange agreement expanding the range of opportunities for student mobility in all areas of studies, including social studies, humanities, and philosophy, as well as computer science, mathematics, and physics. The agreement was signed as part of the ECNU delegation’s visit headed by Tong Shijun, chairman of the ECNU University Council, to HSE.

"The Bounds of Logic Reloaded"
20 и 21 октября в НИУ ВШЭ состоялся международный воркшоп «Границы логики: перезагрузка» ("The Bounds of Logic Reloaded"), организованный Школой философии, Лабораторией философских исследований и научно-учебной группой «Формальная философия».
International Students Can Now Apply to HSE through a Simplified Procedure
HSE’s Admission Rules for the 2017/2018 academic year have undergone some changes in regards to international admission. The admission track is now unified for students from both CIS and non-CIS countries. Thus, only two exams must be passed in order to be accepted into a given undergraduate programme, while competitions for Master’s programmes only require a portfolio and an interview. The rules for International Olympiad Competitions have also been changed. Registration for these competitions ends on October 18 (for some countries, deadlines may be extended).
HSE Among 8 Russian Universities on THE Top-500
According to the Times Higher Education (THE) world university ranking, Higher School of Economics (HSE) entered its 401-500 range out of 980 institutions of higher learning throughout the world in 2016. In particular, HSE ranked No. 4 among the Russian universities on THE.
HSE Improves its Position by 90 Points on QS Ranking
Higher School of Economics (HSE) moved from the 501-550 to the 411-420 group on the QS World University Ranking for 2016/17.