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Tag "software engineering"

Illustration for news: Bachelor's Programme in Software Engineering Receives Prestigious International Accreditation

Bachelor's Programme in Software Engineering Receives Prestigious International Accreditation

The high quality of HSE’s Bachelor programme has been recognised by experts on the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), the headquarters of which are located in the U.S. For more than 85 years, ABET has been accrediting college and university programmes in the applied and natural sciences, computing, engineering and engineering technology. HSE’s Software Engineering programme is the only one in Russia to have received this accreditation.

Faculty of Computer Science Opening Joint Department with the Russian Academy of Sciences

On September 22, a presentation will take place marking the opening of a new joint department with the Institute for System Programming (ISP) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The joint department is being created as part of the School of Software Engineering of the Faculty of Computer Science. The joint department will add to the Computer Science Faculty’s academic and pedagogical activities by offering system programming, a core area of programming research.