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Projects using Unique Equipment

Projects funded by HSE unique equipment grant
  1. Correction of motor skills based on non-invasive brain stimulation: TMS / TES
  2. Development of a new generation multichannel system for recording brain activity based on optically pumped magnetometers (OPS) by Quspin
  3. Neuronal mechanisms of functioning of the mirror neuron system: high-level regulation of motor resonance
  4. Dynamic mapping of the neurobiological mechanisms of conflict and change in preferences in the course of cognitive dissonance
  5. Multimodal studies of neurocognitive mechanisms of morphosyntactic information processing

Ongoing projects using Unique Equipment
  1. Modulation of the Visual Cortex by Non Invasive Brain Stimulation
    Matteo Feurra, Carlos Nieto
  2. TMS effects on women menstrual cycle.
    Matteo Feurra, Vladimir Duredevic
  3. Mirror Nurons activity modulates cerebellum activity in healthy and clinical patients.
    Matteo Feurra, Aynur Ragimova, Carlos Nieto Doval, Vladimir Durdevic
  4. Influence of the VAL66MET polymorphism on motor cortex ecitability
    Matteo Feurra, Andrey Vlasov, Nikita Chuprakov
  5. Motor training from modulation of TMS-evoked response during movement observation
    Matteo Feurra, Carlos Nieto Doval, Aynur Ragimova, Vladimir Durdevic
  6. Long term memory indexes from itracranial recordings
    Matteo Feurra, Alicia Vorobiova, Tommaso Fedele (HSE), Andrey Zuev (Pirogov National Medical Center)
  7. Attrition of native language in bilingual environment
    Andriy Myachykov, Anna Petrova, Yury Shtyrov, Mikhail Pokhoday, Federico Gallo, Beatriz Bermudez-Margaretto, Keerhi Ramanujan, Hamutal Kreiner, Jubin Abutalebi
  8. Social context-dependent role of the left middle frontal gyrus in communicational exchanges: rTMS evidence
    Beatriz Martín-Luengo, Yury Shtyrov, Andriy Myachykov, Matteo Feurra, Alicia Vorobiova
    In this project we investigate the causal relationship of BA10 in conversational pragmatics. To this aim we used repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) to assess its involvement in communicational exchanges under two different types of social contexts: formal and informal.
  9. EEG- metacognition-JOLs
    Beatriz Martín-Luengo, Yury Shtyrov, Dimitry Altuhov
    Prospective monitoring judgments are crucial in learning processes because based on them we decide whether to implement or not strategies to improve the subsequent memory. Yet, its neural correlates and temporal dynamics are not clearly defined. In this particular project we measured EEG potentials while participants provided judgments of learning over several semantic material to be learned.
  10. Correlates of metacognition with MEG
    Beatriz Martín-Luengo, Dimitry Altuhov, Yury Shtyrov, Alina, Leminen, Maria Aleekseva
    Retrospective monitoring judgments are subjective estimations on the accuracy of a retrieved piece of information. Despite their importance in applied (ie., eyewitness testimony) and clinical settings (ie., obsessive compulsive disorder), little is known about their particular temporal dynamics. In this project we used MEG recordings along with mixed model analysis to further shed light in the topic.
  11. Conversational Pragmatics: Memory Reporting Strategies in Different Social Contexts
    Beatriz Martín-Luengo, Yury Shtyrov, Karlos Luna
    Previous research showed that depending on the audience the incentive structure for memory reporting used differs. In this study we used formal and informal contexts that can be classified as constrained and loose in order to better understand this process.
  12. The role of attention in sentence production
    Mikhail Pokhoday, Yury Shtyrov, Andriy Myachykov
    In this project we are investigating how modality of a cue in a priming paradigm affects syntactic choice of the about to be produced sentence. In a series of experiments participants are cued to one of the visually presented referents of a transitive event. The task is to describe the event. Using the Unique Equipment we are recording eye movements of the participant. Results of our work will allow generalizations between attention processes and language production mechanisms.
  13. Attention network test and attention modality: eye-tracking project
    Mikhail Pokhoday, Yury Shtyrov, Andriy Myachykov
    This project is a further development of our attention in sentence production project. Knowing that attention and language are interacting during processes of sentence production it is interesting to find out how different networks of attention (i.e. executive control, alerting) are involved. Using attention network test, eye tracking (Unique Equipment) and sentence production we analyze how performance on ANT correlates with syntactic choice.
  14. Brain Dynamics of Rapid Word Learning with and without Semantic Reference
    Beatriz Bermudez-Margaretto, Lilli Kimppa, Yury Shtyrov
    Previous studies have found that the availability of semantic reference influences the acquisition and lexical integration of novel vocabulary; however, effects in auditory domain are restricted to long training sessions. Thus, the present EEG study addresses the contribution of semantic information during the process of rapid word acquisition in the auditory domain.
  15. Neurophysiological Bases of Novel Word Learning in Native and Non-native Orthographies
    Beatriz Bermudez-Margaretto, Gregory Kopytin, Andriy Myachykov, Yury Shtyrov
    Phonological inconsistencies across the native (L1) and second (L2) alphabets have been shown to interfere with visual word recognition. Particularly, L2 words are named slower if they contain graphemes that are shared with L1 but decoded phonologically differently. The present ERP study aimed to scrutinise the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying bi-alphabetic reading.
  16. Acquisition of novel vocabulary under emotional contexts: behavioral, oculomotor and electrophysiological correlates
    Beatriz Bermúdez-Margaretto, Grigory Kopytin, Aliia Rahimchulova, Andriy Myachykov, Yury Shtyrov
    Existing behavioral and neuroimaging research addressed the surface-level mechanisms of novel word representation at the orthographic or phonological levels. However, little is known about the formation of new word-forms and the corresponding modality-specific concepts attributed via perceptual, motor or emotional systems. The present project aimed to fill this gap by addressing the behavioral and neural dynamics during the acquisition of new emotional concepts.
  17. Sensorimotor features of time concepts
    Anastasia Malyshevskaya, Martin Fischer, Yury Shtyrov, Andriy Myachykov (In collaboration with University of Potsdam)
    This semantic priming study focuses on mechanisms underlying processing of two co-activated abstract concepts: time and number. Using the categorical priming paradigm, the researchers examined how the presentation of a large or a small number influenced participants' choice of past or future verbs among distracts.
  18. Acquisition of grammatical voice in L2
    Cao Yang, Prof. Andriy Myachykov, Prof. Yury Shtyrov
    The eye movement study aims to investigate the acquisition of Russian tense morphology by Chinese-speaking learners of Russian. By comparing the eye-movement data (such as fixation and regression) of Russian native speakers and of Chinese learners of Russian with different proficiencies, we expect to discover whether the L2 learners can response to the misuse of tense morphology as the native Russians do.
  19. Neuroimaging of social cognition using real-life like stimuli: studies of decision-making and language in multicultural contexts
    Iiro Jaaskelainen
  20. Arthogryposis
    Iiro Jaaskelainen, Anna Shestakova
  21. Investigating signitures of neuronal criticality in EEG/MEG recordings
    Nikulin, Blagovechtchenski, Novikov, Nazarova
  22. Reproducibility of multi-muscle TMS motor maps: nTMS study (partly performed outdoors using Nexstim TMS machine)
    Nazarova, Novikov, Nikulin
  23. Stability of motor maps with respect to the neuronal dynamics of oscillations
    Nazarova, Nikulin, Novikov, Blagoveshenskii
  24. Structural and functional connectivity in chronic stroke patients with motor impairment – association with unaffected hemisphere state (based on the materials collected during PhD in Research Center of Neurology)
    Nazarova, Nikulin, Novikov, additional people involved (not from the group): Sofia Kulikova (HSE, Perm), Bernhard Sehm (MPI, Leipzig)
  25. Software for TMS mapping development
    Novikov, Nazarova, Nikulin, + stud. Ivanina, Kozlova
  26. Pre-stimulus neuronal activity and performance in motor/perceptual/cognitive tasks
    Nikulin, Blagovechtchenski, Novikov, Nazarova
  27. TDCS effects on brain oscillations
    Blagovechtchenski, Nikulin, Novikov, Nazarova
  28. Self initiated TMS piloting
    Nazarova, Nikulin, Novikov, stud: N. Zubkova, A. Asmolova, M. Reshetnikov, M. Ivanov
  29. Paired pulse TMS phenomena somatotopy
    Nazarova, Novikov, Nikulin + stud. Ivanina, Asmolova, Ivanov + collab. with A. Vlasov (genetics)
  30. Adaptive TMS neuronavigation
    Novikov, Nikulin, Nazarova + PhD stud. Reshetnikov
  31. Software for meta-analysis development
    Novikov, Arsalidou, Nazarova, Nikulin, Adddtional people: E. Pechenkova, D. Gribov, + stud. Kozlova, Olkova, Kirillov
  32. IHI variability
    Nazarova, Nikulin, PhD project of Mitina, also Novikov, Blagoveshenskii, additional people: Kulikova (HSE, Perm)+ in collab. with Kurchatov ins. (V. Ushakov)
  33. SMA rTMS meta-analysis
    Nazarova, Novikov, Nikulin, stud. Olkova, Mitina
  34. Accuracy and precision of TMS
    Ilmoniemi, Nikulin, Novikov, Nazarova in collab with Aalto (Niemenen, Tervo)
  35. Lateral inhibion BF training and nTMS mapping
    Nazarova, Nikulin, Novikov + stud. Ivanina, Ivanov, Asmolova, Zubkova, partly has to be done in collab. With Stroke Center (Nexstim)
  36. Stroke individualized rTMS
    Nazarova, Nikulin, + stud. Ivanina, Ivanov, Asmolova, in collabor. With Stroke Center + O. Dragoi
  37. Mirror activity somatotopy
    Nazarova, Nikulin, Novikov, + stud. Olkova, Mitina, Kozlova, Ivanov
  38. SICI-SICF rotational coil
    Ilmoniemi, Nikulin, Nazarova, Novikov, in collab with Aalto (Tugin, Niemenen, Souza)
  39. Other multi-locus piloting (incl. IHI legs)
    Ilmoniemi, Nikulin, Nazarova, Novikov in collab with Aalto
  40. Catatonia rTMS
    Nazarova, Nikulin, Blagoveshenskii, stud. Kozlova, Olkova, Mitina in collab. with Alekseevskaya psych. clinic
  41. MEG arthrogryposis
    Shestakova, Nikulin, Blagoveshenksii, Chen, Nazarova and colleagues. (In collab with Turner inst)

Completed projects
  1. Eyetracking measures in informativeness-accuracy trade-off
    Beatriz Martín-Luengo, Yury Shtyrov, Andriy Myachukov
  2. Normative study of general knowledge questions
    Beatriz Martín-Luengo, Yury Shtyrov, Maria Aleekseva, Oxana Zinchenko
  3. Learning novel word forms in first and second language: electrophysiological and oculomotor evidences.
    Beatriz Bermudez-Margaretto, Mikhail Pokhoday, Gregory Kopytin, Oleg Shevtsov
  4. Novel word learning: event-related brain potentials reflect pure lexical and task-related effects
    Beatriz Bermudez-Margaretto, David Beltrán, Fernando Cuetos, Alberto Domínguez
  5. Rapid Acquisition of Novel Written Word Forms: Evidence from regression-based ERPs
    Beatriz Bermudez-Margaretto, Yury Shtyrov, David Beltrán, Fernando Cuetos, Alberto Domínguez
  6. Influence of phonological and semantic factors on the acquisition of novel written word-forms: erp evidence
    Beatriz Bermudez-Margaretto, David Beltrán, Yury Shtyrov, Fernando Cuetos, Alberto Domínguez
  7. Biliteracy advantage: Learning novel written word-forms in native and second language scripts
    Beatriz Bermudez-Margaretto, Gregory Kopytin, Andriy Myachykov, Yury Shtyrov


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