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Motor Control Group

Matteo Feurra

Group Leader, Leading Research Fellow

Evgeny Blagoveshchensky

Senior Research Fellow

Vladimir Djurdjevic

Research Fellow

Ainur Ragimova

Research Fellow

Alisia Vorobyova

PhD student, Junior Research Fellow

Carlos Muriel Nieto Doval

PhD student, Research Assistant

Alexander Vyazmin

PhD student

Sangram Kesheri Behera

Master student, Research Assistant

Diana Salikova

Master student, Research Assistant

See Geok Lan

Master student

Alfred Essel

Master student

Surajudeen Timilehin Bakare

Master student

Motor Control group (MMC) uses Non Invasive Brain Stimulation (NIBS) to modulate human cortical brain processing and functions. Our group uses NIBS to increase cortical excitability which may have a huge impact in rehabilitation of patients with motor deficits. It is possible to apply transcranial electrical current (tDCS, tACS) to target specific brain regions or networks of regions in order to increase behavioural performance in healthy humans. This principle has been shown to be valid also in clinical populations of patients. Motion tracking research, NIBS, motor imagery, mirror neurons, motor plasticity, gender excitability indexes are the main topics of our group.


International colleagues 


David Bartrés-Faz, professor BBSLab, Department of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychobiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Barcelona, Spain.
Giulia Galli, PhD Department of Psychology, Kingston University, Penrhyn Road, Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey, KT1 2EE, London, UK.
Simone Rossi, professor Department of Medicine, Surgery and Neuroscience, Unit of Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology, Brain Investigation and NeuromodulationLab. (Si-BIN Lab), Siena, Italy.

Current projects

Project 1: Genetic Influence on cortical plasticity by NIBS.

A project that will test different polymorphisms influence on cortical plasticity changes of the motor and memory systems.

Project 2: Effects of different type of TES waveform and/or time of stimulation on the brain cortex.

A methodological project that aims to understand online/offline effects, high definition and conventional montage and different influence of waveform by different type of Transcranial Electrical Stimulation.

Project 3: Effects of tACS and/or tDCS on the sensorimotor system. 
Investigation of the mirror system by learning processes influence: a TMS study.


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