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Scientific activities

Our centre is currently pursuing several lines of research. These include active and passive decoding of neuronal processes during cognitive and neuroeconomical tasks, understanding the neurobiology behind speech production and comprehension, studying the dynamics of neuronal processes, neuro modelling, creating original technologies in functional brain-mapping, brain-computer interfaces, neuromonitoring, and neuromarketing.

The results of the centre’s research have broadened current understandings of the mechanisms of brain functioning and can be applied by specialists in various disciplines associated with neurobiology: engineers, doctors, neurobiologists, economists, psychologists and mathematicians. For example, the brain-computer interface allows for human activity to be connected directly to a computer. This can be used in operators’ work and in the gaming industry. Furthermore, this technology can help people experiencing paralysis return to normal life. Neuromapping and neuroimaging allow normal and impaired brain activity to be studied non-invasively, i.e., without interfering directly with the brain (TMS, tDCS, EEG, MEG, and fMRI).

Grants and state contracts of the center:

  1. Grant RSF "Neural dynamics and neuroanatomical substrates of metamemory and conversational pragmatics", project leader - Beatriz Martín-Luengo, RSCF grant 19-18-00534.
  2. Grant RSF "Neurophysiological and behavioural aspects of native language attrition in a foreign language environment", project leaders - Andriy Myachykov and Petrova Anna, RSCF grant 19-18-00550.
  3. Grant of the Government of the Russian Federation for state support of scientific research conducted under the guidance of leading scientists in Russian educational institutions of higher education, scientific institutions subordinated to the Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations and state scientific centers of the Russian Federation - project leader Mikhail Lebedev.
  4. Grant RSF “Learning novel word forms in first and second language: electrophysiological and oculomotor evidences”, project leader - Beatriz Bermudez-Margaretto, RSCF grant 19-78-00140.
  5. Grant of the Government of the Russian Federation "Social neuroscience: Neuroimaging of social cognition using real-lifelike stimuli: studies of decision-making and language in multicultural contexts", project leader Jaeaeskelaeinen Iiro, grant № 075-15-2019-1930 (agreement December 9, 2019)
  6. Grant RSF “Neurodynamic aspects of the TMS cortical motor maps plasticity during motor learning”, project leader - Maria Nazarova,  grant 19-75-00104.
  7. Grant RFBR "Innovative Neurophysiological Biomarkers for Epilepsy Surgery", project leader - Fedele Tommaso, grant №20-015-00176 А

Finished projects:
  1. Grant: "Functional nTMS-mapping - new approach towards research of synergy on cortical levelRFBR №16-04-01883 principal investigator Maria Nazarova.
  2. Personal grant Skoltech  http://umnik.fasie.ru/skoltech/news/url_56600574432bd39e550.html principal investigator Maria Nazarova.
  3. Grant: "Neuroeconomy of neuroplasticity – learning with reinforcement as a mechanism of reorganisation of sensory memory" - RSF № 16-18-00065. Grant holder: Anna Shestakova
  4. Grant: "Effects of intensive second language learning on neuronal plasticity using EEG and MRI" - RFBR 16-06-00468 A. Grant holder: Nikolay Novitskiy 
  5. Grant: "Research of cognitive dissonance mechanisms with newest neurovisualisation methods", agreement from 15 July 2014 № 14-18-02522 between RSF and HSE. Grant holder: Vasily Klucharev
  6. Government contract: "Development of technologies for representation of corticalfunctions in silico" agreement between MON and HSE from «14» October 2015 № 14.608.21.0001, principal investigator: Boris Gutkin
  7. Agreement between NNSU and HSE "Registration and decoding system of bioelectrical brain and muscle activity". Principal investigator: Alex Osadtchi
  8. Grant:  "Endogenous increase of brain-computer interface efficacy" RFBR 16-04-01863. Grant holder:  Alex Osadtchi
  9. Grant RSF "Study of the role of neuronal oscillations in the implementation of working memory functions using mathematical modeling and non-invasive stimulation with alternating current.", project leader - Boris Samuel Gutkin, RSCF grant №17-11-01273 (Agreement of May 18, 2017).
  10. The contract between Neurobotics LLC and HSE on the implementation of research and development work on Event 1.3. "R & D on neurorehabilitation technologies" and Measure 2.3. “R & D with the combined use of several neurotechnologies” dated June 16, 2017 No. 2017-N / HSE-1, project leader - Ossadchi Alexey.
  11. Grant RSF "Development of neuronavigation system for transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) dependent on neuronal state of the brain", principal investigator - Pavel Novikov, RSF grant №18-79-00328.

Research Results:
  1. Computer program "Analysis of brain mapping results TMSmap" registration certificate №2016614899 of 05/11/2016
  2. Computer program "Impulse neural network of Hodgkin-Huxley neurons and with synaptic plasticity" Registration No. 20157612145 dated February 17, 2017
  3. Computer program "Distributed microcolumn model" Registration certificate №2017612535 of February 27, 2017
  4. Computer program "Pulse network of neurons with a dynamic concentration of ions" registration certificate No. 2016618521 of 08/02/2016
  5. Computer program "Simulator of the minimum model of working memory" Registration certificate №2016613021 from 03/15/2016
  6. Patent "A method for controlling an atomic magnetometric sensor using as part of a multichannel diagnostic system". Registration certificate RU 2 704 391 C1, 2018


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