HSE Day is a Tradition
On September 9, the Higher School of Economics is again welcoming guests at Moscow’s liveliest and most exciting location – Gorky Park! HSE Day was first celebrated in Moscow in 2012, the university’s 20th anniversary, and has since become a tradition of citywide proportions. Thousands of people meet in Gorky Park on this day to participate in this extraordinary university celebration. The Higher School of Economics is a university open to the city, which is why Muscovites and everyone in the capital at this time will have the unique opportunity to get a glimpse of life at the university outside of its walls and also to take part in various themed events. Not a single Moscow university can pride itself on such an extensive list of entertaining cultural activities!
A rich programme has been prepared for HSE Day 2015 that has something to spark anybody’s interest. Tents will be set up around the park with representatives from all faculties of the Higher School of Economics, and attendees will have the chance to meet some of Russia’s leading academics and politicians. It will also be possible to talk with university instructors in an informal setting and even go for a stroll along the Moskva River embankment with the university’s rector. This year's HSE Day will include a new sports and entertainment event called Reforma Fitness School, which will bring together lovers of dance and fitness.
This celebration is an excellent opportunity for everyone not only to walk around and have fun, but to become part of the HSE family as well!
How to Participate
There is open and free entrance into Gorky Park for HSE Day 2015. We want everybody to have the opportunity to enjoy the cultural activities and participate in sports competitions at the event.
Place and Time
The Higher School of Economics is holding the event for everyone in the city – students, teachers, Muscovites, and guests of the capital. We are inviting everyone – young and old, small and large! We hope to see you on September 9, 2015, at:
9 Krymsky Val, Gorky Park.
The event begins at 2:00 p.m and will finish at 21.30 (please see the event programme).
By the way, students will not have classes this day.
HSE Day Map
Sign up for the Splean concert!
The stars of HSE Day’s music night is the group Splean, which has been one of Russia’s most popular rock bands for more than 20 years now. The group has recorded 12 albums and is best known for its songs ‘No Exit’ (Vykhoda Net), ‘New People’ (Noviye Lyudi), ‘Stay to Winter’ (Ostayomsya Zimovat), ‘Romance’ (Romans), and others. Splean was the first Russian group to get more than a million ‘listens’ on the global musical project Last.fm, and the band has performed on the same stage as the Rolling Stones.
To attend Splean’s concert, please register on Timepad to receive an electronic ticket. You must show this ticket upon entering Green Theatre.
HSE Day Programme
Meet HSE
At HSE Day, you will see what kind of programmes HSE offers and how students spend their free time and fulfil their creative ambitions. You can find new friends here, share your experiences, gain knowledge and just have a good time!
14:00 — 19:00 HSE Open House
The Higher School of Economics is among Russia’s top-ten universities. The HSE has four campuses – in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Perm. There are over 25,000 students and 2,500 instructors. The school has 33 bachelor’s programmes and 95 master’s programmes.
HSE Day is the only day of the year when we bring together students, alumni, instructors and friends of the university, among which are many well-known academics, high-ranking officials and public figures. On this day, we will display our bachelor’s and master’s programmes, as well as post-graduate specializations, college prep opportunities, secondary and continued higher education.
14:00 — 19:00 Student Organizations Tent
Extracurricular activities play an important role in the life of every student. The range of student organizations at the HSE is so broad that even the most experienced first-year will find something they like – from intellectual games, creative workshops and KVN to extreme sports club, volunteer organization ICEFOutreach, or professional development camps and schools.
You can become acquainted with HSE’s current student organizations and see what kind of extracurricular opportunities the HSE offers. Even the most unbelievable of student endeavours can be turned into a student group; HSE gives everyone the opportunity to organize his or her own club!
14:00 — Quest for first-year undergraduate students
The quest will be conducted in Russian for all HSE freshmen. It’s a good way to get to know how HSE works and how studies are organized.
18:00 — 19:00 Matriculation ceremony (for first-year undergraduate students)
HSE is not only about knowledge, but also tradition. Every year there is a matriculation ceremony for newly enrolled undergraduate students who will become part of big HSE family for the upcoming four years.
14:00 — 19:00 Research and Technologies at HSE
Whereas the lecture series will provide a glimpse at intangible science, the Research and Technologies event is sure to satisfy lovers of the non-humanities who enjoy the constants the digital age guarantees. HSE MIEM and the HSE School of Psychology will display robots, new applications, a computerized brain, and other technological wonders you will be able to test out for yourself.
Open Air Lectures
The Higher School of Economics has been educating the public and making learning more accessible and understandable for many years now. Since 2013, the university has been holding free and open lectures at various locations around Moscow, presenting knowledge in a format anyone can understand. From film to marketing, anthropology to game design, the topics of the lectures are always diverse, but they are still able to uncover the innovative aspects of specific issues, and they sometimes shed light on entirely new areas of science.
As part of the Higher School of Economics’ Open-Air Lectures, HSE Day will feature an entire series of informative talks in both Russian and English.
English-language lectures ‘HSE Open Talks’
Higher School of Economics strives to discover new international horizons, both in research and in teaching. Each year HSE welcomes new colleagues – Ph.D. holders from the world’s best universities – who join the university through the international recruiting programme. HSE continues the tradition of public lectures at HSE Day, and holds HSE Open Talks in English. Academics from all over the world representing the most diverse disciplines will discuss their research and talk with the public. Join the audience and use your chance to ask them questions!
15:00 — 15:30 To the Heart of Decision-Making
Lecturer: Emiliano Catonini, PhD in Economics, Assistant Professor at the International College of Economics and Finance, HSE
15:40 — 16:10 Russian-Chinese Relations
Lecturer: Andrej Krickovic, PhD in Political Science, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs, HSE
16:20 — 16:50 Brain Stimulation and Cognitive Functions
Lecturer: Matteo Feurra, PhD in Psychological Sciences, Assistant Professor at the School of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, HSE
17:00 — 17:30 North Korea's Capitalist Revolution: Emerging Markets in the Hermit Kingdom
Lecturer: Michael Rochlitz, PhD in Economics, Assistant Professor at the School of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, HSE
17:40 — 18:10 When and Why Public Administration Innovates
Lecturer: Tim Jaekel, PhD in Political Science, Assistant Professor, School of Public Administration, Faculty of Social Sciences, HSE
18:20 — 18:50 How Public Discourse Changes Private Conversation between Strangers
Lecturer: Yuval Weber, PhD in International Relations, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs, HSE
Lectures by HSE Professors (in Russian)
15:00 — 16:00 Neuroeconomics: Are We Free In Our Decision-making?
Lecturer: Vasily Klucharev, Professor, Leading Research Fellow at Centre for Cognition & Decision Making, HSE
16:00 — 17:00 Urban Mobility: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Lecturer: Mikhail Blinkin, Professor at the Graduate School of Urban Studies and Planning and Director of the Institute for Transport Economics and Transport Policy Studies, HSE
17:00 — 18:00 New Models of the Metropolis' Development: The Choices and Possibilities of Russian Cities
Lecturer: Irina Ilina, Director of Institute of Regional Studies and Urban Planning, HSE
Networking Veranda
Networking is a way of effectively solving some of the most complex tasks, whether in the realm of business or personality, in a social environment. This might be among friends, colleagues, or acquaintances. The main thing is to trust your environment and build solid relationships with people. HSE will allow you to immerse yourself into in a comfortable social atmosphere, solve tasks, and learn about various so-called life-hacks, all while finding friends along the way. You will be able to do this at the Networking Veranda by showing off your creativity at FabLab, interacting with books at the Library, or analysing business issues with HSE Business Incubator. Networking Veranda will be open from 14:00 to 19:00
The most innovative platform of the Networking Veranda will be a real treat for fans of 3D printing experiments. The FabLab Workshop will include a master class called ‘The Wonders of 3D Scanning, or the First Step in Turning Design Ideas into Reality,’ where participants will be able to create their own 3D models of any item!
15:00 — 16:00 Prototyping workshop. Come listen as experts discuss the basics of prototyping, as well as modern equipment and its usage. They will also talk about different ideas being put forth in the field. Workshop participants will find answers to questions such as how to create a prototype of your idea, what equipment and materials are necessary, where to find access to equipment, which skills are needed, and how much it costs to make your dreams a reality.
17:00 — 18:00 Prototype building workshop/contest. Participants will receive simple polygonal shapes that they will use to make the most interesting and original art piece they can. An expert jury will determine the winners, who will receive prizes from FabLab.
Open-air Library
They say that it is best to read in the fresh air, and you'll have the chance to try this out at our open-air library! When you get tired of the noise from the sporting events, come to this corner for some intellectual relaxation. The library has a home-like atmosphere in which you can dive into your favourite books at a nice table among the stacks of books.
HSE Business Incubator
HSE Business Incubator was set up by young entrepreneurs to help students launch their business projects.
There will be a ‘Start-up’ game for those who wish to learn more about setting up their own business. The game will be conducted in Russian.
The Whole World at HSE
15:00 — 19:00 Russian Tearoom
Traditions of Russian teatime may not be as old as Chinese customs, but they are characterized by hospitality and cheerfulness. We invite all guests of HSE Day, especially our foreign colleagues and international students, to attend the Russian tea ceremony, a unique part of national culture.
Russian tea culture dates back to Russian nobles and merchants and will be demonstrated at the ceremony through a number of ways, including the whistling of the iconic samovar and the delicious taste of cakes and cracknels. The focus of the event will be international communication in the form of trivia and games dedicated to the Russian language and our rich culture. After all, isn’t this the best way to meet new people and practice language? Welcome to Russian Tea, the most multinational event at HSE Day 2015!
14:00 — 19:00 HSE Chamber of Nationalities
The HSE Chamber of Nationalities is a student organisation that has been working on various issues for the last five years in order to achieve a constructive, intercultural dialogue and forge positive relationships among the different nationalities at the Higher School of Economics.
The Chamber carries out cultural events, fundraisers, round tables, and academic conferences, and the organisation even hosts film screenings. Participants in this event can expect to see workshops, musical activities, and competitions that will serve as an introduction to various cultural traditions from around the world.
14:00 — 18:00 Foreign Language Day
Foreign Language Day will feature a series of workshops held by HSE students who are native speakers of languages in the CIS and the Baltics. The programme includes two quick workshops on Uzbek, Moldovan, Armenian, Estonian, Kazakh, and Ukrainian. After each class, participants will be able put their new languages skills to use in an exciting game.
14:00 — 17:30 The School of Asian Studies presents:
- 14:00 Master class on Chinese calligraphy
- 15:30 Master class on Arabic calligraphy
- 16:30 Qigong (a system of coordinated body posture and movement, breathing, and meditation used for health, spirituality, and martial arts training)
HSE School of Design: Design and Fashion for All
Design can be off-putting due to its incomprehensibility and the unfortunate snobbery associated with it. Design is, however, a pleasant, understandable, and very useful endeavour, which students from the HSE School of Design will prove. The students will also offer trivia, a tattoo workshop, a fashion show, screen-printing, and other interesting events that are sure to entertain you and show you various art forms.
HSE School of Design: the design and fashion world for everyone!Fashion Show
This summer, the School of Design, which is part of the HSE Faculty of Communications, Media and Design, hosted its second fashion show. The show was comprised of work carried out as part of student theses and featured 13 original designs.
Guests of HSE Day will become acquainted with students’ work at another fashion show being held in Gorky Park. Fashion Show guests will be able to radically change their ideas about their own wardrobe and break all of the stereotypes about ‘Russian fashion.’
Screen Printing in the Air
Guests of this event will become familiarized with the art of screen-printing, which is nearly a thousand years old. Participants will also take part in a competition and receive a tee shirt with a print created right at the event.
Crazy Tattoo
These tattoos will certainly not disappoint, and even if they do, you can easily wipe them off. If you are unable to decide what kind of tattoo you would like, just leave it to one of the artists from the HSE School of Design, who is sure to impress. For those who really want a tattoo, but are too afraid to get one, Crazy Tattoo is the perfect workshop to see what it would be like. The event will help you understand whether or not you want to place a piece of art on your body forever, and if you do, then the workshop will help you decide on style.
Green HSE
14:00 — 19:00 Fair and SQUARE
Green HSE is one of the strongest movements at the HSE, and the group hopes you join! The team takes part in serious activities such as lowering energy consumption at the university and looking for heat leakages. Come talk with the ecology experts and learn that HSE, for example, does not throw out metal scraps, but recycles them, or that the school regularly collects paper waste. To make things more fun, an interactive area is being organized with master classes and competitions for all that are interested!
Fair and SQUARE is a new project of Green HSE, whose aim is to restore abandoned squares and courtyards around Moscow. You will have the chance to talk about a square or yard in your own neighbourhood that needs some work, and Green HSE will help transform the area. Landscaping projects are developed together with students of the Faculty of Communications, Media and Design. Project financing is expected to come from crowd-funding and other financing efforts by HSE students and staff.
HSE Land
We invite all visitors to take a memorable journey to HSE Land, an active zone and creative platform for student organizations. This is a huge area of sports, fun, and new friends. There is an entire amusement park at HSE Land, and events include an intense dance off and even poetry night!12:00 — 17:00 Extreme Zone by HSE Extreme Sports Club
Extreme Zone is an event for those who love the most unusual forms of sports and leisure. Each participant will be able to prove themselves at an ‘extreme park’ by riding bikes, skateboarding, and longboarding at a special location designed for street sports. It’s all about being active in whatever way possible!
12:00 Extreme Zone opens
12:30 Register for mini skate competitions in roller-skating, scooter riding, skateboarding, and biking
13:00 Balance board competition
14:00 – 17:00 Mini competitions, parallel racing, and technique and speed contests
14:00 — 19:00 Love HSE (Speed dating)
Falling in love in five minutes? It’s possible! HSE Day is an excellent opportunity for two lonely hearts to find one another! Speed dating is a modern way to get to know someone quickly and ask them any question in a tête-à-tête. Come to Love HSE and take part in fun competitions, listen to great music, and maybe, meet the love of your life! Or just make some great friends along the way.
14:00 — 19:00 Unimafia
Unimafia is a modified version of the super popular game Mafia. The rules are simple: players are given the role of university residents who can facilitate or hinder learning. The players then try to determine who is who. The winner is whoever gets through all the classes, passes all exams and becomes a proud graduate of the university! The game will include a round in English so that foreign students can also participate.
14:00 — 19:00 Ethnic Corner
A real creativity zone! You’ll definitely find something to occupy your hands and mind here – brain games, riddles, puzzles, hands-on activities, henna designs (mehndi), bracelet weaving, and needlework. In a special lounge zone, you will be able to kick back, relax, and listen to the rhythm of drums.
14:00 — 19:00 Exhibition
HSE Art Studio invites you to an exhibition organised by studio director Lusine Sapondjan to introduce talented young artists from the university. On the theme HSE Buildings, students made paintings of the famous architectural monuments where they study. Their work, prepared especially for this year’s HSE Day, will be on show in the open air.
16:00 — 18:00 Poetry Contest 'Poetry Fresh Open Air'
This is one of the celebration’s most popular events and allows participants to battle it out in verse. We hope to see everyone who wants to dive into the limitless world of poetry or those who simply want to support participants, socialize or just relax and spend their time in an atmosphere of creativity surrounded by the power and beauty of word!
16:30 — 18:00 Dance Battle
One of HSE Day's most notable events – Dance Battle – will take place on HSE stage. This is a lively project that will excite modern dance fans. Nine teams will come compete to be crowned winner of their respective dance category, of which there will be three: lady’s dance, break dance and hip-hop. Come watch them light up the dance floor! A panel of professional judges will determine the winners.
14:00 — 17:00 Reforma Fitness School
A healthy body means a healthy mind, but in actuality, it is one or the other. To avoid becoming depressed during the weight loss process, you should find a physical activity that you like, stick to a daily schedule, and have a certain know-how, which is what this fitness school is all about. The school is being carried out by the Reforma wellness club, created by HSE alumna Alisa Simonenko, and will include dance classes as well as lectures on how to get your thoughts and your body in order.
Alisa Simonenko spent several years working in event planning before founding the Reforma wellness club, which brings together professional coaches, nutritionists, and personal trainers. These people come up with a personalized goal sheet for each member of the club, and they help members start a new life. The project’s aim is to unite 850,000 people on their journey towards harmonizing their body, mind, and spirit.
Fit Dance
14:00 – 15:00 Dance Mix by Trinity Dance
A Dance Mix workshop will be overseen by Valeria Miroshnichenko, who is a dancer, choreographer, and dance teacher with Trinity Dance! Valeria lives and breathes a wide range of different styles, such as hip hop, jazz funk, and R&B, and she brings them all together in the popular style of Dance Mix!
15:00 – 16:00 Zumba Fitness
16:00 – 17:00 Dance Fitness. Flashmob by Reforma
17:00 – 18:00 Couples Latin American Dance by Trinity Dance
14:00 — 18:00 Tennis Master Classes
14:00 — 18:00 Human Foosball Match 'Against Illiteracy'
Human Foosball match ‘Against Illiteracy’ is like the classic game of table football, but played on field with real people.
15:30 — 16:30 Performances by Various HSE Sports Clubs
HSE not only gives students a top quality education, but it also provides them with the opportunity to grow in other areas, sports being just one example. On HSE Day, you will become familiarized with various sports activities and clubs that you will be able to sign up for on the spot. Guests will also be able to watch performances by teams in sports such as wushu, rhythmic gymnastics, rugby, cheerleading, martial arts, and capoeira.
15:00 — 16:15 Open-Air Music with Jazz Dance Orchestra
Jazz Dance Orchestra is a contemporary jazz band that mixes and stirs seemingly incompatible musical styles: house turns into swing, pop into jive, and R&B into boogie-woogie. What results is an explosive cocktail of pop music, club mixes, and the most rousing rhythms of jazz, which we invite you to see on HSE Day at Gorky Park!
Jazz Dance Orchestra performs often and has played at various large-scale events such as the festivals Jazz Manor, Jazz in the Hermitage Gardens, and Jazz Koktebel, as well as at parties for the Moscow International Film Festival and during Russian House, which took place at the Olympic Games. You can find Jazz Dance Orchestra in popular clubs and cafes around Moscow, and their tunes can be heard lighting up the waves of popular Russian jazz radio stations.
Look for the Open-Air Music event in Gorky Park, where the most popular dancing jazz band will perform on HSE Day!
20:00 — 21:30 Rock Concert in Green Theater
Registration is necessary to attend the concert.