The HSE Institute of Demography was established in 2007, and in 2009, the Laboratory of Socio-Demographic Policy was opened. In line with common international practice, a demographic research centre and academic department were established under one roof.
The Institute of Demography seeks to follow the best Russian and international experience in integrating scientific research with an aim of attracting the specialists who can create the best approach for students interested in the study of current demographic problems.
Today, the Institute of Demography offers undergraduate demographic courses alongside educational programmes such as Economics and Statistics, World Economy, Sociology. It also offers programmes for graduate students, including Political Analysis and Public Policy and Comparative Social Research.
Since 2009, the Department of Sociology has offered the Master's programme in Demography, which is headed by Associate Professor and Doctor of Economic Sciences MB Denisenko.
In 2015, the English-taught Master's programme in Population and Development was established under the Public Administration Department. The programme’s academic supervisor is Associate Professor VA Kozlov. A Demography course designed by MB Denisenko has also been launched on Russia’s National Open Education Platform.
Together with the Institute of Demography, UNFPA conducts international training courses on population and socio-economic development for civil servants, employees of state statistics and research institutions, university professors and employees of international organizations from the CIS.
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