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"Demoscope Weekly" ## 893 - 894

In the issue:
Preliminary demographic results of 2020 in Russia (part II). Problems of society. On drug addiction. Labor 2021: a demand for a life / work balance.

Russian demographic barometer

·           Preliminary demographic results of 2020 in Russia (part II)

·          The population of Russia has been declining for the third year in a row; according to preliminary data for 2020, the decline came to 582 thousand people

·          Sharply reduced migration growth compensated for the 2.2-fold increase in natural decline by only 15%

·          According to preliminary data, in 2020 the population decreased in 68 out of 85 subject regions of the federation

·          The number of births in Russia continues to decline, falling to 1,436,000 people in January-December 2020

·          The number of registered marriages decreased in 2020 by 19%, the number of divorces - by 9%


·          Problems of society

·          On drug addiction

·          Labor 2021: a demand for a life / work balance

In the vastness of Russia

·         In 2020, the population decreased by 582,200  people

·           Rosstat announced a decrease in  fertility in Russia in January

·          Mortality in Moscow in January 2021 increased by almost 50%

·          Infant mortality has dropped to the lowest levels in the history of the country

·           Rosstat reports deaths of 200 thousand patients with coronavirus

·          Ministry of Health is confident it can reduce premature mortality rate by 2024

·          The number of marriages has increased in Russia

·          All-Russian population census will be held from 23 August to 30 September

·           Peskov denies reports of plans to raise retirement age again

·           Mishustin simplifies early retirement for some categories

·          Compulsory military service has a significant impact on the lives of young people

·          Is real poverty in Russia 3.5 times higher than the official one?

·          Biometrics may become mandatory for some government services

·           Lavrov believes that labor migration will recover with the help of employers' applications

·          7 thousand foreigners deported from Moscow in 2020

·          Coronavirus mortality decreased in Russia in January

·          Is the lowest percentage of COVID cases in the Russian Federation in the army?

·          62% of Russians are not ready to be vaccinated with the Sputnik V vaccine

·          WHO proposes that Russians who refuse to be vaccinated not leave their homes

·           Golikova predicts emergence of collective immunity to coronavirus in August

·           Rakova announces that Muscovites have collective immunity to coronavirus

·          Mikhail Murashko tells how to avoid  third wave of COVID-19

·          State Duma proposes to ban propaganda of sex change, bisexuality and transgender

·          Move to ban abortion in private clinics

·          Oksana Pushkina calls statements on restricting abortion populist

·          Banning of abortion will cause backlash from medical professionals

·          Doctors speak out against  abolition of mandatory ultrasound for pregnant women

·          Government does not support baby box project

·          More than 50% of Russians consider their health to be good

·          Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs will not store fingerprints until the age of 100

World news

·         Seoul's population falls below 10 million for the first time in 32 years

·          Japan has record low fertility for fifth year in a row

·          In France, fertility falls for the first time since 1975

·          Fertility in Ukraine has decreased by 40% in ten years

·          Kazakhstan has a record number of births

·          Mortality in Italy hits record postwar  high

·          Census of Polish diaspora to be held in Vilnius

·          Xi Jinping announces China's victory over absolute poverty

·          Gender inequality is on the rise amid pandemic

·          Most Finns are satisfied with the experience of telecommuting in the pandemic

·          Ukraine intends to allow second citizenship

·          Number of applicants for Swedish citizenship doubles in Denmark

·          Finland plans to introduce one-year visa for professionals and startups

·          Uzbekistan to introduce ID cards for foreigners

·          Kazakhstan will develop new concept of migration policy

·          Uzbekistan approves agreement with Kazakhstan on labor migration

·          More than 3 thousand Uzbeks have left home to work in Russia since the beginning of the year

·          The most attractive country for work is Canada

·          Italian ports will no longer be open to migrants

·          WHO expects end of pandemic early next year

·          European Union agreed on electronic certificates for vaccination against coronavirus

·          Less than 10% of the world's population is immune to coronavirus

·          New strains of coronavirus have expanded their geography

·          WHO researchers do not believe in Chinese theory of Covid-19

·          WHO refuses to publish report on  results of trip to China

·          Ebola cases increase in Congo

·          Warsaw protests against abortion ban

·          A quarter of the world's population will have hearing problems by 2050

·          Are people without children happier?

The newspapers write about…

·          Izvestia on the population census

·          Novaya Gazeta and REGNUM on the demographic problems of Russia

·          RBK on the decline in life expectancy in Russia

·          RBK on the rise in mortality in the United States

·           Rossiyskaya Gazeta on China’s economic and demographic five-year plan

·          Novaya Gazeta on the outbreak of migrantophobia

·           Ekho Moskvy on Navalny's "racism", migration, jobs and education

·           Parlamentskaya Gazeta on benefits for large families

·           Kommersant on targeted social support

·          BBC Russkaya Sluzhba and Le Figaro on coronavirus vaccination

·          Le Temps and Le Figaro on a vaccine passport

·          Nature on a future with coronavirus

·           Novye Izvestia on problems of the health care system

·          Forbes on curtailing planned hospitalization due to coronavirus

·          Polit.ru on gender equality

·          Forbes on maternity leave for fathers

·          Le Figaro on gender education

·           Rossiyskaya Gazeta on gender imbalance in China

·           Kommersant on polyamory

·           Moskovsky Komsomolets on age discrimination

·           Moskovsky Komsomolets and Rossiyskaya Gazeta on remote work and readiness to move

·           Kommersant on the regional ranking of school education

·           Kommersant on the decrease in the number of prisoners in Russia

Read books and magazines

·         Atlas of socio-demographic development of Russia and Iran

·          Women and men of the Kyrgyz Republic 2015-2019

·          Women's health and well-being in Europe: not just long life expectancy

·          HIV infection. Newsletter

·          The state of cancer care for the population of Russia in 2019

·          Through the pages of the journals ZdorovyeDemografiyaEkologiya Finno-Ugorskikh Narodov (Health, Demography, Ecology of the Finno-Ugric Peoples) and Vestnik MGU. Seriya 18. Sotsiologiya i Politologiya (Bulletin of Moscow State University. Series 18. Sociology and Political Science)

·          Contents of the magazine Population

Profession: researcher

·         International migration and human capital in the context of COVID-19

·          Examining the migration of researchers and their academic careers using bibliometric data

·          Reading room of the Department of Economics, Moscow State University