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"Demoscope Weekly" ## 895 - 896

In the issue:
Migration in Russia, preliminary results of 2020. Socio-economic losses of society from the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Russia. On the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women in Europe and Central Asia. Pregnancy rates in the USA drop to historic lows.

Russian demographic barometer

·          Migration in Russia, preliminary results of 2020

o    In 2020, migration growth of the population of Russia decreased by 63%

o    Russia received the largest migration growth in 2020 in population exchange with Ukraine - 53 thousand people

o    The number of migrants moving within Russia decreased by 13% in 2020

o    In 2020, due to migration exchange with CIS countries, the population of 58 regions increased, due to exchange with other regions of Russia - 25

o     The number of internally displaced persons, refugees and those granted temporary asylum continued to decline in 2020

Take care of women!

·         Socio-economic losses of society from the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Russia

·          On the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women in Europe and Central Asia

·          Pregnancy rates in the USA drop to historic lows

In the vastness of Russia

·         Life expectancy in Russia decreases by two years

·          Ingushetia is the leader in Russia in terms of life expectancy in 2020

·          Population decline of St. Petersburg exceeded 12 thousand people in 2020

·          Funeral services have become the most profitable business in Russia

·          Child mortality in Russia in 2020 decreased by 16.6%

·           Kotyakov sees improvement in fertility situation in Russia

·          Putin signs decree on ranking the amount of payments for children from 3 to 7 years old

·          Moscow City Duma increases age of young families to receive payments for a newborn

·          Census algorithm and format remain unchanged

·          Number of marriage contracts in 2020 hits  record high

·          Russians want to cancel pension reform and cut taxes

·           Mishustin names condition for obtaining second "Far Eastern hectare"

·          The number of Russians wanting to send their children to universities has halved over last ten years

·           Golikova blames youth unemployment on outdated labor market

·          Russians name most attractive cities to move to

·          In Russia, starting date for issuing electronic passports has been determined

·          One in four Russian citizens will refuse state services if they require biometrics

·          Russia adopts Charter of the International Organization for Migration

·          State Duma introduces fingerprinting of migrants

·          State Duma simplifies entry to Russia for relatives

·          More than 2 million foreigners received medical care in Russia in 2020

·          A "South African" strain of covid found in Russia

·          Does COVID trigger aging process in the body?

·           Gamaleya Center makes children's vaccine "Sputnik V" in the form of nasal drops

·          Tatyana Golikova opposes compulsory vaccinations

·          7 to 15 percent of parents refuse to vaccinate their children

·          People with HIV allowed to be treated in any hospital, regardless of registration

·          In the Russian Federation, the number of accidents due to the fault of drunk drivers has decreased

·          The number of deaths from strokes increased in St. Petersburg during the pandemic by 6%

·          By 2030, the Ministry of Justice plans to reduce the number of prisoners in colonies by 1.5 times

·          New Social Studies textbooks include course in family studies

World News

·         The number of deaths in Kazakhstan increased by 22% in 2020

·          US deaths up 15% last year

·          Poland intends to reverse demographic trends

·          About 1.6 million twins are born worldwide every year

·          North Macedonian citizens living abroad can take part in the population census

·          Vatican refuses to bless same-sex unions

·          Ban on gay marriage in Japan declared illegal

·          Will more than 500 thousand Russian citizens  live in the DPR by September 2021?

·          Sweden one of leading EU countries in terms of number of migrants receiving citizenship

·          Italy proposes to give citizenship to children of migrants born in the country

·          More than 250 thousand citizens of Ukraine have a residence permit in Poland

·          Almost half of Ukrainian labor migrants intend to stay in Poland forever

·          WHO congratulates Greece on overcoming migration crisis

·          Italy demands help in solving problem of illegal migration

·          People without a migratory past have begun to feel as lonely as refugees

·          European Commission announces start of third wave of  coronavirus pandemic

·          WHO head announces multibillion-dollar underfunding of fight against COVID-19

·          Risk of re-infection with covid is higher in older people

·          Are millions of people left disabled after COVID?

·          WHO recommends continuing vaccination with AstraZeneca

·          Trials of one-minute breath test for coronavirus begin

·          In Europe, a way is found to fight drunk driving

·          Biometric passports introduced in Belarus starting in September

The newspapers write about...

·          Gazeta.Ru on the decline in fertility

·          Mel and Izvestia on parenting

·           Nezavisimaya Gazeta on school enrollment numbers

·           Kommersant on the economic burden of HIV

·           Rossiyskaya Gazeta on smoking

·          Die Welt on coronavirus in Eastern Europe

·           Nowa Europa Wschodnia on coronavirus in Central Asia

·           Russkaya sluzhba BBC and Fontanka.ru on vaccination in Russia

·          The Guardian and Der Spiegel on vaccination around the world

·          Die Welt on smallpox vaccination

·          Le Temps and The Economist on a vaccination passport

·          Forbes on vaccination tourism

·          Le Monde and EurasiaNet on international migration

·           Izvestia on permission to enter Russia for foreign students

·          RBK on undesirable tenants

·          RBK on one more way to obtain Russian citizenship

·           Izvestia on the gender inequality index

·          Polit.ru on a surge in births of fraternal twins

·           Kommersant and Izvestia on surrogate motherhood

·           Izvestia on baby boxes

·          Le Monde on the fight against abortion

·          REGIONS.RU on retirement age

·          IQ on the labor market

·           Kommersant on the Rural Development Program and rural mortgages

·          Maxim on marriage

Profession: researcher

·         Congratulations to Vladimir Jose Echenike on his 65th birthday!

·          Happy birthday to Rostislav Isaakovich Kapelyushnikov!

·           Evgeny Lvovich Soroko dies

·          In memoriam

·          Conference "Diversity of Urban Worlds: History, Theory, Practice"

·          Refresher courses for civil servants, employees of scientific and educational organizations and employees of the UN Office of the CIS member states with the support of the UN Population Fund

Demoscope presents new publications

·          Population of Russia 2018

·          Demography in the political arena of the XX and XXI centuries

·          International Migration 2020

·          Health at a Glance: Asia/Pacific 2020

·          Modern youth of Armenia and Russia: socio-demographic and ethnocultural orientations

·          Through the pages of the journals Ekonomika Regiona (Economy of the Region) and Vestnik MGU. Seriya 6. Ekonomika (Bulletin of Moscow State University. Series 6. Economics)

·          Contents of the journal Population & Societes

New announcements

·         Job Opportunity at National University of Singapore for Research Project on Childless Aging in Singapore and Thailand (CAST)

·          The causes and consequences of depopulation