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Regular version of the site

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 897 - 898

In the issue:
Russian demographic barometer. The best age for the birth of a first child. Women become aware of their independence from parents earlier than men. Mass health examination: how to stay healthy? Only a quarter of Russians trust telemedicine.

Russian demographic barometer

·          Incidence of the population of Russia, 2019-2020

o    In 2019, the incidence of diseases of the endocrine system and system continued to grow

o    In 2020, the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections increased and the incidence of COVID-19 exceeded 22 cases per 1000 people

o    In 2020, the incidence of acute intestinal infections decreased by 46%

o    Tuberculosis and HIV cases continued to decline in 2020


·         The best age for the birth of a first child

·          Women become aware of their independence from parents earlier than men

·          Mass health examination: how to stay healthy?

·          Only a quarter of Russians trust telemedicine

In the vastness of Russia

·         According to Rosstat, 223,905 Russians died with coronavirus during the epidemic

·          Kremlin assesses demographic situation in Russia as bad

·          Has the potential for population growth in Russia been exhausted?

·          All-Russian census will start from Kamchatka

·          HSE reports on  growth of poverty in childless families in Russia

·           Kudrin considers possible a halving of the level of poverty in Russia

·          Beef consumption in Russia falls to 10-year low

·           Golikova reports on creation of preschool places

·          Only a third of Russian cities turn out to be comfortable to live in

·          25% of Russians are ready to continue working remotely

·          New rules for payment of unemployment benefits

·          Immigrants from Ukraine, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Armenia received Russian citizenship more often than others in 2020

·          The number of migrants in Moscow down by 20%

·          Will labor migration not reach previous levels without economic growth?

·          More than a third of Russian doctors say there is a shortage of coronavirus vaccine

·          About a thousand Muscovites have gotten coronavirus after vaccination

·          Have 44% of Muscovites become immune to covid?

·          Cancer incidence and mortality in Russia are higher than world average

·          Traffic police announces increase in number of victims of road accidents involving a taxi

·          The number of abortions over the past five years has decreased by 40%

·          Average family spending on medicines comes to almost 20 thousand rubles a year

·          Russian Orthodox Church unable to formulate official position on admissibility of IVF

World news

·         Self-isolation hasn't helped fertility

·          Life expectancy in Sweden drops for first time since 1968

·          Life expectancy in Italy falls by one year

·          In Kirgizia, almost no forms left for foreign passports

·          US plans to begin issuing visas to foreign specialists again

·          Sweden proposes linking refugee benefits to employment

·          2,276 migrants killed at sea en route to Europe in 2020

·          WHO chief calls for 10 million doses of vaccine for countries in need

·          WHO sees no evidence of link between thrombosis and AstraZeneca vaccine

·          White House plans to introduce uniform standard for COVID-19 vaccination passports

·          WHO calls for accelerated vaccination in Europe

·          Coronavirus has increased maternal mortality

·          Do miscarriages increase women's risk of premature death?

·          State of Utah orders fathers to pay half the cost of pregnancy and childbirth

·          Does more stress in a woman during conception contribute to the birth of girls?

The newspapers write about...

·          Ekho Moskvy on fertility, mortality and manipulation of statistics

·           Izvestia on a sharp increase in the number of centenarians in Russia

·          Project Syndicate on low fertility and aging in China

·          Polit.ru on absence of a single criterion for defining large families in Russia

·          Komsomolskaya Pravda on new rules for  payment of child benefits

·          RBK on the opinion of the Audit Chamber on determining eligibility for benefits

·           Gazeta.Ru on third wave of COVID-19

·          RBK on Russian attitudes to vaccination

·          Novaya Gazeta on migrants in the Russian labor market

·          RBK on mandatory registration of foreign workers in electronic register

·          RBK and Russkaya sluzhba BBC  on the share of migrants in schools

·           Izvestia on refugees in Europe and beyond

·           Kommersant on the economic costs of discrimination against HIV-positive foreigners

·          Novaya Gazeta on Russia’s prison population

·          Forbes on the treatment of prisoners

·           VTimes on the reasons for the differences in pay between women and men

Read books and magazines

·         National and migration policy of Russia and states of the European Union

·          WHO report on cancer: setting priorities, investing wisely and providing care for all

·          Belgium. Health Systems in Transition

·          Kazakhstan: Extended Migration Profile 2014-2019

·          The demographic handbook of Armenia, 2020

·          Through the pages of the magazines Narodonaseleniye (Population) and Mir Rossii.  Sotsiologiya i Etnologiya (World of Russia. Sociology and Ethnology)

·          Contents of the Journal of Marriage and Family

Profession: researcher

·         We remember Anatoly Grigorievich Vishnevsky

o    Examples of scientific expertise

·          90th anniversary of the birth of Zdenek Pavlik

o     Zdenek Pavlik. Human capital from the demographic point of view

·          In memory of Leokadia Mikhailovna Drobizheva

·          Advanced training course "Demographic Forecasting" for civil servants, employees of scientific and educational organizations and employees of the UN Office of the CIS member states with the support of the UN Population Fund and the Government of the Russian Federation

New in the reading room

·         Parents and children, men and women in the family and society. Collection of analytical articles. Issue 1, 2, 3