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"Demoscope Weekly" ## 901 - 902

In the issue:
Russian demographic barometer. On family and marriage. Additional maternity support programs have been developed in 9% of companies. No hope of retirement: 8 out of 10 Russians believe that adult children should support their parents financially. How Russians manage personal and family finances. Religiousness during the pandemic.

Russian demographic barometer

·           The foreign labor force in Russia at the end of 2020

o    By the end of 2020, the number of foreigners with a valid work permit in Russia decreased to 53 thousand people, of those with a valid work license - to 1,071 thousand people

o    Most foreign workers in Russia are from Uzbekistan and Tajikistan

o    Almost two thirds of foreign workers in Russia are men under the age of 40

o    About 40% of labor migrants from abroad are employed in Moscow and the Moscow region

o    Russia remains among the countries from which migrants send the largest volumes of remittances

o    The volume of personal remittances from Russia decreased by 21% in 2020


·          On family and marriage

·          Additional maternity support programs have been developed in 9% of companies

·          No hope of retirement: 8 out of 10 Russians believe that adult children should support their parents financially

·          How Russians manage personal and family finances

·          Religiousness during the pandemic

In the vastness of Russia

·          The Ministry of Economic Development has downgraded the forecast of the population of the Russian Federation

·          Natural population decrease in the first quarter doubled compared to last year

·          Ministry of Health reports 17.9% increase in mortality in 2020 by

·          For the first time in 20 years, the outflow of population from villages to cities has stopped in Russia

·          Real Russian incomes accelerate their fall

·          Government developing new criterion for poverty

·          HSE Rector speaks about political implications of middle class's transition to poverty

·          Russia has a total of 406,138 orphans, 90% of whom are brought up in families

·          The Kremlin does not rule out the unification of Russian regions

·          530 thousand residents of Donbass have received Russian citizenship

·          Russia will simplify issuance of residence permits for foreign investors

·          Ministry of Internal Affairs will oblige migrants to receive a single electronic document for a long stay

·          Electronic work licenses for labor migrants may be introduced throughout Russia

·          Almost a third of labor migrants in the capital are citizens of Kyrgyzstan

·          WHO can’t give forecast for incidence of COVID-19 in Russia

·          One in ten adult Russians vaccinated against coronavirus

·          Russian Federation ranked 22nd safest country during pandemic

·          Government approves plan to implement anti-tobacco concept by 2035

World News

·          Population growth rate in the United States hits 50-year low

·          Asians have become the fastest growing racial and ethnic group in the United States

·          China's population increased by 0.83% in 2020

·          1.4 Million Residents of Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan took part in China’s seventh census

·          Natural increase of Estonian population falls to 2005 level

·          In 2020, 46,520 people were born in Georgia, 50,537 people died

·          Belarusians marrying less and getting divorced more

·           Zelensky signs law on maternity leave for men

·          South Korea makes it easier to obtain citizenship for children born in its territory

·          Belarus Ministry of Internal Affairs has not noticed massive outflow of Belarusians abroad

·          Over 1 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered worldwide

·          WHO reports on spread of new strains of COVID-19 in the world

·          Triple-mutant coronavirus from India poses threat to whole world

·          Are COVID-19 survivors at increased risk of death?

·          WHO says that antibiotic resistance has increased in the world due to their use in treatment of COVID

·          Could mortality from COVID-19 in the world be twice as high as reported?

·          In Belarus, almost 23 thousand people with HIV

·          Living with a smoker increases the risk of oral cancer by 51%

·          Poland urges Czech Republic to prevent "abortion tourism"

·          Humanity uses 73% more resources than the Earth produces in a year

The newspapers write about

·           Izvestia and Moskovsky Komsomolets on new measures to support families with children

·          News.ru on national goals for increasing life expectancy

·           Kommersant on mortality from coronavirus

·           Izvestia and VTimes on the decline in fertility and aging in China

·          RBK on Russia’s population forecast

·          RBK  and Izvestia on the connection between the economy and the aging of the population

·          Forbes on healthy aging

·          Naked Science on the brain drain of scientists

·          RBK on rating of quality of life in Russian regions

·           Russkaya sluzhba BBC and Suddeutsche Zeitung on coronavirus in India

·          Polit.ru on North Korean workers in the USSR/Russia and on North Korea

·          RBK on falling incomes

·           Izvestia on the indigenous peoples of the Arctic

·           Rossiyskaya Gazeta recalls Lydia Grafova

Read books and magazines

·          The labor market in the context of demographic changes

·          Health, United States, 2019

·          Sustainable Development Goals in the Russian Federation. 2020

·          Population of Ukraine. Demographic trends in Ukraine from 2002-2019

·          Statistics on child 2020

·          Through the pages of the journals Zdravookhraneniye Rossiyskoy Federatsii (Health of the Russian Federation) and Zhurnal issledovaniy sotsialnoy politiki (Journal of Social Policy Research)

·          Contents of the Journal of Population Economics


·          90th anniversary of the birth of Andrei Gavrilovich Volkov

·           Volkov On defining demographic goals

·          Barriers and informal strategies for access to health care for labor migrants living with HIV in Russia under conditions of illegality. Seminar of the A.G. Vishnevsky Institute of Demography of the National Research University Higher School of Economics "Demographic Challenges of the XXI Century"

·          Problems of comparability of data on causes of death over time within the framework of ICD-10. Scientific seminar "Modern demography" of the International Laboratory for Population and Health Research, National Research University Higher School of Economics

·          The Great Patriotic War 1941-1945: human losses and factors of victory. Meeting of the Demographic Section of the Central House of Scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences

·          Fighting epidemics in ancient and new Russia. Meeting of the Nikitsky Club

New in the reading room

·          Stefan Sievert, Sergey Zakharov, Rainer Klingholz. A vanishing world power. The demographic future of Russia and other former Soviet states