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"Demoscope Weekly" ## 999 – 1000

In the issue: Demographic results of the first half of 2023 in Russia (part I). Not only wages, or about social support from employers for workers and their families.Two thirds of employers pay insufficient attention to employee health. Only one out of two working Russians who are married or in a relationship was able to take a vacation with their other half. Over-the-counter anti-pregnancy pills: pros and cons. Coronavirus a year and a half later: is the fear returning? Attitude of residents of neighboring countries to the latest wave of emigration from Russia. Demoscope issue numbers are now in four digits. Initiation Day for Demographers - 2023.

Demographic barometer

· Demographic results of the first half of 2023 in Russia (part I)

o According to the results of the first half of the year, population decline in Russia has been observed for the seventh year in a row, but in 2023 it decreased threefold compared to January-June 2022

o Natural decline decreased in January-June 2023, coming to           -3.7‰ in annual terms, while migration growth increased to 1.7‰

o According to estimates at the beginning of 2023, children under the age of 15 make up 17.4% of the Russian population, elderly people 65 years of age and older - 16.5%

o In the first half of 2023, the number of births continued to decline, decreasing by 3%

o Total fertility dropped to 1.4 children per woman

o The number of marriages registered in January-June 2022 increased by 0.5%, divorces - by 5.2%


Demoscope 1,000

· Demoscope issue numbers are now in four digits



· Not only wages, or about social support from employers for workers and their families

· Two thirds of employers pay insufficient attention to employee health

· Only one out of two working Russians who are married or in a relationship was able to take a vacation with their other half

· Over-the-counter anti-pregnancy pills: pros and cons

· Coronavirus a year and a half later: is the fear returning?

· Attitude of residents of neighboring countries to the latest wave of emigration from Russia


In the vastness of Russia

· Life expectancy has exceeded 78 years in 3 regions of Russia

· “Demographic” improvements will begin with pilot regions

· 40% of Russian women refuse to have children due to poor financial situation and living conditions

· Peskov justifies increase in draft age by demography

· The number of people living below the poverty line in Russia is 15.7 million

· About 15 million Russians experiencing deep depression

· 23,000 people have received land ownership under the Hectare program

· One in three residents of the Far East would like to leave the region

· Zatulin proposes creating a Ministry of Migration Affairs

· As prices rise, Russians are ready to buy illegal cigarettes

· Oncology treatment funded by compulsory medical insurance has increased by 64% over four years

· The range of imported drugs in pharmacies has shrunk by 20% over the year

· Ministry of Health develops project for federal register of patients

· Diseases of Muscovites will be identified using AI

· A list of diseases with which one cannot do contract military service has been approved


World News

· The population of Japan in 2022 was 122,423,038 people

· The population of Kazakhstan has exceeded 19.9 million people

· The population of the Czech Republic has grown to 10.87 million

· Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, life expectancy in Germany has decreased by more than six months

· Ukraine will face a significant decline in fertility due to the departure of women of reproductive age

· The number of births in Poland in 2022 is the lowest in the entire post-war period

· Women in leadership positions face ageism throughout their lives

· People with higher levels of education live longer

· The number of immigrants in Lithuania in 2022 was almost double that of the year before

· Permanent residence permits for Russian citizens will no longer be valid in Latvia

· More than 60% of Russian citizens living in Latvia did not pass the language exam

· Finland will limit the conditions for issuing residence permits to students and researchers

· 3.3 million refugees may not return to Ukraine

· More than 330,000 people asked for asylum in European countries in 2022

· More than 110,000 migrants have arrived in New York since the spring of 2022

· Belgium wants to limit the intake of single male refugees

· Cancer incidence has increased significantly in people under 50

· Climate change will lead to increased deaths from conflict and famine in Africa

· Economists estimate the economic cost of seasonal allergies for the first time

· Opposites don’t attract?

· Interest in sex may extend life in men


The newspapers write about…

· NezavisimayaGazeta and Novye Izvestia on (anti-)migration rhetoric

· NezavisimayaGazeta on a proposal to change the practice of resolving ethnic conflicts

· NEWS.ru and Ridus on labor migration

· NezavisimayaGazeta on internal migrants

· Kommersant on the issue of regulating abortion

· The National Interest and Interia on Ukrainian refugees

· NovyeIzvestia on the increase in the number of singles in Russia

· Eslibyt’ tochnym on the lack of places in schools

· Fontanka.ru on the discrepancy between the number of births and the number of first-graders

· NovyeIzvestia on preferences for those who refused an abortion

· RBK on the income of single mothers

· Kommersant on wage growth

· NezavisimayaGazeta on poverty reduction

· RBK on reducing alcohol consumption

· NovyeIzvestiya on the dangers of obesity

· Forbes on the peculiarities of working in Japan


Read books and magazines

· Indicators of immigrant integration 2023: settling in

· Demography and climate change

· France. Health Systems in Transition

· Asia-Pacific migration data report 2022

· Demographic indicators of Azerbaijan

· Through the pages of the journals Problemy Sotsialnoy GigienyZdravookhraneniya i Istorii Meditsiny (Problems of social hygiene, health care and history of medicine) and Vestnik MGU.  Seriya 18.  Sotsiologiya i Pollitologiya (Bulletin of Moscow State University. Series 18. Sociology and political science)

· Contents of the journal Population and Development Review


Profession: researcher

· Problems of demography at the V Russian Economic Congress-2023

· Continuing education courses under the program "Population and Development" of the National Research University Higher School of Economics in the framework of cooperation with UNFPA


Students Page

· Initiation Day for Demographers - 2023