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"Demoscope Weekly" ## 1005 - 1006

In the issue: Foreign labor force in Russia, 2022-2023. Creating a happy family and raising children is one of the key life goals of Russians. The right to a childhood. Two-thirds of potential parents count on government support measures when a child is born. Bill on preserving child care benefits for up to 1.5 years for a working parent is supported by 8 out of 10 Russians. Progress or threat, or about artificial intelligence in medicine.

Demographic barometer

· Foreign labor force in Russia, 2022-2023

o According to the Border Service of the FSB of Russia, in 2022 almost 3.5 million foreign citizens arrived in Russia to work

o According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the number of foreigners registered for migration at the place of stay who arrived in Russia to work exceeded 11.8 million in 2022 and 3.5 million in January-June 2023

o According to Rosstat, the number of foreigners with a valid work permit in Russia increased by the end of 2022 to 63 thousand; the number of foreigners with a valid work license exceeded 2 million people

o Foreign workers who arrived in Russia in 2022 were predominantly from Uzbekistan and Tajikistan

o As of the end of March 2023, 88% of foreign workers with permits were men, including 63% of men aged 18-39

o More than half of labor migrants from abroad are still attracted to work in the capital regions; the Magadan region stood out in terms of the participation of foreigners in the labor force in the first quarter of 2023, at 8.8%



· Creating a happy family and raising children is one of the key life goals of Russians

· The right to a childhood

· Two-thirds of potential parents count on government support measures when a child is born

· Bill on preserving child care benefits for up to 1.5 years for a working parent is supported by 8 out of 10 Russians

· Progress or threat, or about artificial intelligence in medicine


In the vastness of Russia

· As of January 1, 2023, 146.45 million people lived in Russia

· Natural population decrease from January to August shrank by 24%

· Fertility in Russia will decline from 2023 to 2027

· Russia to increase payment for insurance pension

· Almost 9 million Russian families have improved their living conditions with the help of maternity capital

· Russia’s teacher shortage estimated at approximately 11 thousand people

· Top managers consider staff shortages the main challenge for business

· Recruiters report increase in the time it takes to fill vacancies

· Half of Russians would work more efficiently if paid more

· The number of people renouncing Russian citizenship has increased compared to last year

· Head of Investigative Committee proposes to deprive migrants of citizenship for evading military service

· HRC concerned about migrant children

· Ministry of Health develops anti-alcohol concept

· Scientists “promise” Russians a triple virus epidemic this season

· Patients find it more difficult to obtain prescription drugs

· Sales of birth control pills rise to record levels in Russia


World News

· Ukraine cancels planned population census

· Number of Israelis who fled homes is estimated at 300 thousand

· Latvia closes two checkpoints on Russian border

· Kyrgyzstan cancels visaran

· Norway and Switzerland are ready to pay Ukrainians to return to their homeland

· State Duma proposes to simplify the issuance of residence permits to those with direct ancestors in Russia

· More than a thousand Russians have asked Russian Foreign Ministry to be evacuated from Gaza Strip

· Doctors still don’t know how to treat post-Covid syndrome

· A new cause of severe Covid has been identified in the USA

· Major cholera outbreaks have occurred in nine countries in 2023

· WHO says emergence of new pandemics in the world can’t be stopped

· Walking fast can help reduce risk of cancer and dementia

· A happy childhood does not guarantee a healthy psyche in the future


The newspapers write about…

· RBK on new demographic forecast of Rosstat

· RBK on when old age begins

· NovyeIzvestia and Izvestia on call to not put off having a child

· Kommersant on LDPR’s "demographic program"

· NovyeIzvestia on the impact of the birth rate on the level of protests in the country

· RossiyskayaGazeta on tightening the citizenship law

· Regnum on the need to pass the Latvian language exam for Russian citizens in Latvia

· RBK on the pros and cons of attracting migrants

· RBK on the return of relocators

· NovyeIzvestia on the hardships awaiting "negligent" relocators

· RossiyskayaGazeta on the expulsion of compatriots from Russia

· NovyeIzvestia on raids on conscripts in mosques

· RBK on the future of the "four Russias"

· RossiyskayaGazeta on reasons for moving to Solovki

· RossiyskayaGazeta and RBK on Program of State Guarantees for Free Medical Care to Citizens

· Izvestia on the problem of child obesity

· NovyeIzvestia on the situation of fathers in Russia

· Eslibyt’ tochnym on poor families

· Izvestia on the indexation of child benefits

· NovyeIzvestiya on the need for a new COVID-19 vaccine

· RossiyskayaGazeta on recording sales of prescription drugs

· NezavisimayaGazeta and Kommersant on the shortage of personnel and their training

· NovyeIzvestia and Kommersant on the aging of workers and attracting young people to the labor market

· Kommersant on online portraits of job applicants

· Kommersant on attacks on health workers

· Eslibyt’ tochnym on the revision of Russian statistics

· NezavisimayaGazeta on Belarus’ demographic development


Read books and magazines

· The path that ends AIDS: UNAIDS global AIDS update 2023

· The state of cancer care for the population of Russia in 2022

· Sweden. Health Systems in Transition

· Immigration and employment dynamics in European regions

· Population change in the Slovak Republic

· Through the pages of the magazines DEMIS and Mirovaya Ekonomika i Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniya (World Economy and International Relations)

· Contents of the journal Studies in Family Planning


Profession: researcher

· The evolution of mortality from external causes in Russia. Meeting of the Demographic Section of the Central House of Scientists

· Seminar of the International Laboratory for Population and Health Research of the National Research University Higher School of Economics on the topic: "RosBCS - a new tool for studying the health and mortality of the population in Russia"

· Continuing education courses under the program "Population and Development" of the National Research University Higher School of Economics in the framework of cooperation with UNFPA