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"Demoscope Weekly" ## 1019 – 1020

In the issue: The world's least developed countries: demographic past, present and future (part 2). Women with a salary of 100 thousand rubles or more do not want to become housewives even if they have a well-earning husband. Women entrepreneurs. Attitudes towards men taking paternity leave. Global study sounds alarm on women's health. Progress and barriers in the integration of Russian emigrants. Factors in fatherhood and motherhood in large families. Meeting of the Demographic Section of the Central House of Scientists. Dynamics of the ethnolinguistic structure of the population in the post-Soviet space (according to the 2020 census round). Scientific seminar of the Laboratory of Population Economics and Demography of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. Accumulated years: Life expectancy in Russia is projected to rise.

Demographic barometer

  • The world's least developed countries: demographic past, present and future (part 2)
    • The population of the least developed countries remains quite young; its age-sex composition is changing slowly, but changes will accelerate in the coming decades
    • The median age of the population of the least developed countries is slightly more than 19 years, while that of the world population is 30
    • Since the mid-2010s, the least developed countries have had the fastest growing population of people aged 65 and over
    • The share of children 0-14 years of age in the population of the least developed countries has decreased to 39%, the share of people 65 years of age and older is approaching 4%
    • The demographic burden is decreasing among younger ages, and gradually increasing among older ages


  • Women with a salary of 100 thousand rubles or more do not want to become housewives even if they have a well-earning husband
  • Women entrepreneurs
  • Attitudes towards men taking paternity leave
  • Global study sounds alarm on women's health
  • Progress and barriers in the integration of Russian emigrants

In the vastness of Russia

  • The population of Russia in 2023 decreased by 244 thousand people
  • By 2046, Moscow and the region will experience its greatest natural population decrease
  • Putin considers it necessary for families to be “born earlier” in Russia
  • Russians name ideal age to start a family
  • Since 2020, 1.9 million families have received maternity capital at birth of first child
  • Unemployment in the Russian Federation in December 2023 was 3%
  • In 2023, the main problem for most employers was finding employees
  • Plan to resettle Russians from megacities is doomed to failure
  • Among cities with a population of over a million, moving to a private house is most profitable in Omsk, Kazan and Krasnoyarsk
  • Net migration in Russia down by 90 thousand people
  • Bill on conscription of 50-year-old migrants is withdrawn from State Duma
  • Murashko reports breakthrough in treatment of cancer in Russia
  • In 2024 IVF procedure will become more accessible
  • Rejection of new WHO classification of diseases is explained by traditional values

World News

  • The population of Poland decreased by 137 thousand people in 2023
  • Fertility in Ukraine has been falling for 10 years
  • Ukraine needs “strong immigration”
  • Each additional year of education reduces the risk of early death by 2%
  • India has become world's fastest growing economy
  • US economy growing faster than that of European countries
  • The number of jobs in US in January grew significantly more than expected
  • Only a fifth of Ukrainian refugees in Germany work
  • Finland will extend border crossing restrictions with Russia for another two months
  • Texas builds barriers on border with Mexico due to influx of migrants
  • Trump announces plans to close US border if re-elected
  • Vilnius schools will no longer teach Russian as a second language
  • Mongolia ranks first in the world in cancer mortality
  • WHO predicts global increase in cancer incidence

The newspapers write about…

  • RBK and News.ru on the demographic forecast at the regional level
  • Esli byt’ tochnym on the impact of environmental problems on public health
  • Novye Izvestia on protecting single mothers from being fired
  • Novye Izvestia on the difficulties in terminating an unwanted pregnancy
  • Kommersant on "intolerance towards childlessness"
  • Novye Izvestia on adopting disabled persons
  • American Thinker and Forbes on the migration crisis in the US
  • RBK on migrants and migration in Russia
  • Kommersant on the search for migrants from far abroad
  • Kommersant on the latest records of personnel shortage
  • RBK on statistics on foreigners' trips to Russia
  • Lenta.ru on simplifying the granting of citizenship in Germany
  • Esli byt’ tochnym on social mobility
  • Nezavisimaya Gazeta and Expert on the middle class and social inequality
  • RBK on extinct languages according to population census data
  • Nezavisimaya Gazeta on strategies to combat smoking
  • Novye Izvestia on vaping
  • Kommersant on allowing rural hospitals to sell medicines
  • Kommersant on the impact of education on life expectancy
  • Nezavisimaya Gazeta on ways to increase life expectancy
  • Kommersant on permission to sell emergency contraception over the counter
  • Rzeczpospolita on the prospects for the return of refugees in Ukraine

Read books and magazines

  • Social status and standard of living of the population of Russia
  • Demographic processes in the Republic of Tajikistan
  • Global status report on road safety 2023
  • World Population Ageing 2023
  • The demographic handbook of Armenia, 2023
  • Through the pages of the magazines Problemy sotsialnoy gigieny, zdravookhraneniya i istorii meditsiny (Problems of Social Hygiene, Health Care and History of Medicine) and Rossiyskiy onkologicheskiy zhurnal (Russian Journal of Oncology)
  • Contents of the Journal of Marriage and Family

Profession: researcher

  • Factors in fatherhood and motherhood in large families. Meeting of the Demographic Section of the Central House of Scientists
  • Dynamics of the ethnolinguistic structure of the population in the post-Soviet space (according to the 2020 census round). Scientific seminar of the Laboratory of Population Economics and Demography of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University
  • Accumulated years: Life expectancy in Russia is projected to rise