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"Demoscope Weekly" ## 1025 – 1026

In the issue: Migration in Russia, preliminary results for 2023. Roles of men and women in the family. Is an apartment for the kids the parents’ duty? Most adult Russians prefer to live separately from their parents. Z and Alpha: basic attitudes of generations. On the religiosity of Russians. Only 44% of employers have no bias against hiring pensioners. Happy birthday to Olga Sergeevna Chudinovskikh. Demographic policy in the USSR on the eve and during the Great Patriotic War (1939-1945). Meeting of the Demographic Section of the Central House of Scientists.

Demographic Barometer

  • Migration in Russia, preliminary results for 2023
    • In 2023, net migration in Russia, according to preliminary data, exceeded 204 thousand people, including 110 thousand people in population exchange with other countries
    • Russia again experienced net migration growth in 2023 only in population exchange with Tajikistan - about 82 thousand people
    • The number of migrants moving within Russia increased by 0.7% in 2023
    • In 2023, due to migration exchange with CIS countries the population of 57 out of 85 regions increased, due to exchange with other regions of Russia - 29
    • The number of internally displaced persons and refugees in Russia continued to decline in 2023


  • Roles of men and women in the family
  • Is an apartment for the kids the parents’ duty?
  • Most adult Russians prefer to live separately from their parents
  • Z and Alpha: basic attitudes of generations
  • On the religiosity of Russians
  • Only 44% of employers have no bias against hiring pensioners

In the vastness of Russia

  • Kremlin announces necessary number of inhabitants for Russia
  • Putin is again asked to introduce post of demography chief
  • Register of large families in Russian Federation will begin to function on July 1, 2024
  • Proposal to increase maternity capital in regions with low fertility
  • Over 40% of married Russians positively assess state support measures for families with many children
  • Putin calls for taking lesson from Chechens with many children
  • In Russia, it turns out to be impossible not only to register same-sex marriages, but also to dissolve them
  • Government approves allocation of money for elderly care projects
  • Commitment to healthy lifestyle depends on the region of residence
  • School course “Family Studies” will be extracurricular and optional
  • Personnel shortage will continue in coming years
  • Business increases spending on headhunting
  • Organizational recruitment will tie migrants to employer
  • State wants to allow migrants to use same work license in several regions
  • In Moscow, the incidence of tuberculosis is lower than Russian average
  • Russian regions have enough medicines from list of vitally needed drugs for more than eight months
  • State Duma adopts bill on release of prisoners with serious illnesses
  • Some 9 thousand children to be evacuated from Belgorod region

World News

  • Germany's birth rate falls to lowest level since 2009
  • Bulgaria and Romania will begin issuing Schengen visas to Russians from April 1
  • EU tentatively agrees on conditions for freezing visa-free travel with third countries
  • Mexico condemns Texas anti-immigration law
  • EU must respond to the use of migration for political pressure
  • Biden and Trump differ on their assessments of illegal migrants
  • UK will pay refugees to voluntarily move to Rwanda
  • Anti-Covid measures have rid world of contagious flu strain
  • New bacterial infection spreading rapidly in Japan
  • The number of dengue cases in Brazil has exceeded figures for all of 2023
  • Denmark has created the most effective anti-obesity drug
  • Markers in the blood will help determine a person’s biological age
  • India ready to cooperate more closely with Russian Federation in healthcare

The newspapers write about…

  • RBK on expanding the federal population register with new information about Russians
  • Novye Izvestia on the income of migrants
  • Novye Izvestia on the first case of deprivation of acquired citizenship
  • RBK on the growing number of Russian residents in Argentina
  • TASS on the migration crisis in Great Britain
  • Nezavisimaya Gazeta on the connection between living standards and birth rates
  • RBK on a portrait of women facing reproductive choice
  • Izvestia on reducing family mortgage rates for the birth of children
  • Novye Izvestia on Family Studies
  • Kommersant on the economic problems of Russian families
  • Kommersant on a failure in the information system of the Ministry of Labor
  • TASS on the challenges of Switzerland’s pension system
  • Novye Izvestia and Vedomosti on personnel shortage
  • Novye Izvestia and Kommersant on proposal to send medical students to the front
  • Kommersant on protecting the interests of a doctor in cases of medical errors
  • Esli byt’ tochnym on the quality of mortality statistics
  • Novye Izvestia on obesity in different countries
  • Expert on world’s coming depopulation
  • RBK on reducing the prison population

Read books and magazines

  • The changing climate and public health: problems of adaptation
  • Regional features of reproductive behavior of urban Kazakh women
  • Global spending on health: coping with the pandemic
  • Social inequalities in childhood cancers in the WHO European Region
  • The demographic yearbook of Poland 2023
  • Through the pages of the journals Demograficheskoye Obozreniye (Demographic Review) and Sibirskiy Onkologicheskiy Zhurnal (Siberian Oncology Journal)
  • Contents of the journal Population & Societies

Profession: researcher

  • Happy birthday to Olga Sergeevna Chudinovskikh
  • Demographic policy in the USSR on the eve and during the Great Patriotic War (1939-1945). Meeting of the Demographic Section of the Central House of Scientists