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"Demoscope Weekly" ## 1027 – 1028

In the issue: Morbidity rate in the population of Russia, 2022-2023. Fewer men willing to go on maternity leave instead of their wives. Is family happiness in the hands of the employer? New Year gifts and benefits for the birth of a child: how employers support employees with children. Emigration sentiments: monitoring by VTsIOM. Wanderlust: one in four persons surveyed plans to change their place of residence. "Man from the Third Billion": an evening in memory of Anatoly Grigorievich Vishnevsky. 245th anniversary of the birth of Benjamin Gompertz. 90 years since the birth of Gerard Kahlo.

Demographic Barometer

  • Morbidity rate in the population of Russia, 2022-2023
    • In 2022, morbidity increased in all major classes of diseases
    • In 2022, the number of cases of temporary disability increased by 11% compared to 2021, but the number of days of temporary disability decreased by 1.6%
    • According to data for January-October 2023, the number of cases of acute respiratory viral infections decreased by 17% compared to the same period in 2022
    • The number of cases of acute intestinal infections increased by 6%, (compared to the same period in 2022)
    • The incidence of tuberculosis and HIV infection remains relatively stable
    • In 2022, the prevalence of alcoholism in Russia continued to decrease, while the prevalence of drug addiction increased slightly


  • Fewer men willing to go on maternity leave instead of their wives
  • Is family happiness in the hands of the employer?
  • New Year gifts and benefits for the birth of a child: how employers support employees with children
  • Emigration sentiments: monitoring by VTsIOM
  • Wanderlust: one in four persons surveyed plans to change their place of residence

In the vastness of Russia

  • The population of Russia at the beginning of the year was 146.15 million people
  • Is Russia's goal to increase the population to 600 million people?
  • Natural population decline in January increased by 21.9%
  • Total fertility rate in 2023 decreased to 1.41
  • Decline in total fertility rate in 2023 is insignificant
  • Putin gives order to provide for sustainable increase in fertility by 2030
  • State Duma proposes paying student families to have children
  • Life expectancy in Russia has exceeded pre-Covid levels
  • Russian Federation proposes introducing target life expectancy of 60 years
  • Peskov calls demographic problem Russia’s Achilles heel
  • Officials in Chuvashia threaten to fine families where grandmothers look after the children
  • In Tatarstan, a proposal to use teenage labor in hazardous industries
  • Should suburban settlements become the main type of settlement by 2050?
  • Putin orders to change approaches to migration policy in Russia
  • State Duma creating working group to analyze migration legislation
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs completes work on bill to tighten migration control
  • At the end of 2023, the Ministry of Internal Affairs recorded a decrease in the number of crimes committed by foreigners
  • Moscow courts have made about 42 thousand rulings on the deportation of foreigners in past year
  • Migrants will again be offered targeted recruitment
  • Mortality from tuberculosis in the Russian Federation has decreased sixfold over 20 years
  • First-time incidence of obesity has decreased in the Russian Federation

World News

  • World's population will begin to decline for the first time since the plague
  • The population of the Czech Republic has grown due to migration
  • India's population could top 2.2 billion by mid-century
  • Ukraine's population is predicted to decline by up to 25 million people
  • Sweden records lowest fertility since 1749
  • By 2050, fertility in more than 75% of countries will be below replacement level
  • Within a quarter of a century, 204 countries will have significantly more elderly than young people
  • Ukrainians can now get married via video link
  • The number of Ukrainians registered in Germany has exceeded 1.6 million
  • The number of refugees from Ukraine in Lithuania has decreased to 74 thousand
  • Refugees from Ukraine are offered employment in Germany without knowledge of the language
  • Pakistan may begin second round of deportation of Afghan immigrants
  • Finland calls refugee crisis on Finnish-Russian border long-term
  • Cyprus experiencing a migration crisis
  • Kazakh citizens in Russia recommended to carry their papers with them
  • Tajikistan Ministry of Labor records outflow of migrants from Russian Federation after terrorist attack
  • Migrant training centers will open in Tajikistan
  • Dutch scientists succeed in “cutting” HIV from a human cell
  • The number of deaths from tuberculosis during the pandemic turned out to be 7 thousand more than predicted
  • In Germany, the number of tuberculosis patients has been increasing in recent years.
  • Mongolia will pay for hepatitis D treatment of its citizens in Russia
  • Young people increasingly likely to get colorectal cancer
  • Taliban decides to stone women to death for treason

The newspapers write about…

  • TASS on Putin's instructions to government
  • Kommersant on Putin’s instructions at Interior Ministry Collegium
  • Novye Izvestia, RBK and Kommersant on the tightening of immigration legislation after the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall
  • Novye Izvestia, Rossiyskaya Gazet, and Kommersant on migration policy and the need for migrants
  • Kommersant on mass checks of migrants
  • Rossiyskaya Gazeta on labor migration in Russia
  • Novye Izvestia on ban on migrant labor in Russian regions
  • PRUFY on outflow of youth from Bashkortostan
  • RBK on problem of population outflow from Siberia
  • RBK on dispute around US migration law on expulsion of migrants
  • RBK on fertility at the end of 2023
  • RIA Novosti on decline in the world fertility
  • Novye Izvestia on sperm bank of Special Military Operation participants
  • Esli byt’ tochnym and Kommersant on the growing number of children with autism
  • Forbes and Izvestia on the cost of supporting large families
  • Gazeta.Ru and Kommersant on the controversy surrounding return of death penalty
  • TASS on limiting alcohol sales
  • Kommersant on increasing the time of pregnant women in prenatal consultations
  • Kommersant on the growth of the paid medical services sector
  • Novye Izvestia on the shortage of emergency doctors
  • Nezavisimaya Gazeta on the drivers of labor productivity growth
  • Nezavisimaya Gazeta on the increased speed of filling vacancies
  • Novye Izvestia on teenagers working in hazardous industries
  • RBK on the contribution of human capital to the Russian economy
  • Nezavisimaya Gazeta on the promising growth of the middle class in China

Read books and magazines

  • Global Youth Tobacco Survey in the Russian Federation: 2004-2021.
  • China's labor market, 1950-2050
  • Forecasts of demographic development of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its regions until 2050. Basic principles, premises and results of forecasts
  • Children in Azerbaijan 2023
  • World mental health report
  • Through the pages of the journals Narodonaseleniye (Population) and Ekonomika Regiona (Economics of the Region)
  • Contents of the Journal of Demographic Economics

Profession: researcher

  • "Man from the Third Billion": an evening in memory of Anatoly Grigorievich Vishnevsky
  • 245th anniversary of the birth of Benjamin Gompertz
  • 90 years since the birth of Gerard Kahlo