"Demoscope Weekly" ## 715-716
Current topic: Russian students in China
In the issue: Human resources in science and technology: the state and efficiency of their use. Approaches to the study of international migration of highly qualified professionals: mechanisms, prospects, consequences. Educational trajectories of young people from the CIS in Moscow.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 713-714
Current topic: Where and in what jobs highly-educated Russians work.
In the issue: Does the Russian economy need human capital? Ten doubts. The success of the “education-job” transition: for whom is the path easier? The structure of employment of the rural population in the Central Black Earth region
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 669-670
Current topic: Higher education: bigger, better, or cheaper?
In the issue: “Capitalcentrism” as the cause of social inequality in the Russia system of higher education. An assessment of the need for additional places in the general education system of the Russian Federation in 2014-2015. The problem of unemployment among university graduates in the light of China’s higher education reform.