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Tag "demographic review"

Demographic Review #4

In the issue: Modest demographic results of the pronatalist family policy in the context of long-term evolution of fertility in Russia. Public policies of active ageing: evidence from the world experience. Interregional migration in Russia: age characteristics. International migration in Russia (the USSR) during the end of the 19th‒ the first third of the 20th century. The epidemiological transition in Russia: historical sight. Estimating number of children in villages of Dagestan: a comparison of data sources.

Demographic Review #3

In the issue: The modest results of the pronatalist policy against the background of long-term evolution of fertility in Russia. Mortality in Moscow and other megacities of the world: similarities and differences. Influence of demographic transformation in the system of private intergenerational transfers. Rejuvenation of the motherhood in Dagestan: a tendency or an artefact? Tatars of the Ryazan region in the XX century: geography of settlement, population dynamics, migration trends. The use of population registers for recording and analysis of cohabitation.

Demographic Review #2

In the issue: Demographic consequences of the Great Patriotic War. Soviet prisoners of war: how many were there and how many came home? Casualties in armed conflicts in the world: 1946-2015. Ill-defined and unspecified causes of death in Russia. Population of western Siberia during Second World war (1939-1945). Evacuated children: the difficulties of survival on the home front. 

Demographic Review #1

In the issue: Mortality from cardiovascular diseases and life expectancy in Russia. Fertility in higher-order marital unions in Russia: does a new partnership allow for the realization of the two-child ideal? The rural-urban continuum: the destiny of the notion and its link to the spatial mobility of the population. Simon Kuznets on demographic issues. Who has upset the ethnic balance in Russia?

Demographic Review #4

In the issue: An unnoticed contribution to demographic transition theory. Demographic results of 2014. A brief report. The sequence of life events of Russian men serving and not serving in the military. Mortality in Russia in light of the in alcohol consumption. Integral indicators of demographic losses from deaths and injuries due to road accidents in Russia.

Demographic Review #3

In the issue: Recent trends in remittances: Russia and the world. Assessing the impact of the maternity capital policy in Russia. The role of interfamily exchange in the system of material support and care for the elderly in modern Russia. Peasant resettlement in the 1920s (from the history of migration in Russia). Some problems of assessing population losses during collectivization.

Demographic Review. English selection.

We are pleased to introduce the first English issue of our journal "Demographic Review. English selection 2015". It contains the translations of selected articles published in previous issues of the journal in Russian. The main goal of this edition is to make the results of population studies in Russia more accessible for our foreign colleagues and to widen the collaboration of Russian demographers with the international scientific demographic community.

Demographic Review #2

In the issue: Road traffic accidents and mortality in Russia. Pensioners on the Russian labour market: trends of economic activity in pension age. Migration plans of graduates of Moldavian universities. Social differences in household structures in the 19th century: Moscow and its outskirts. Mysticism and truth of the hyperbolic law. A new explanation of the course of world history. Immigration policy in the United States.

Demographic Review #1

In the issue: The demographic transition: debate about theories of different levels. Confidence estimation of demographic rates on example of mortality rates. Migration and intergenerational replacement in Europe. Mortality from undetermined causes of death in Russia and in a selected set of countries. Changes in the structure of Russian households in 1994-2013 (statistical analysis). More or less? The real price of war.

Demographic Review #4

In the issue: Mortality in Russia: the second epidemiologic revolution that never was. Economic and social implications of the demographic transition (translation from English). Mortality from external causes of death in Russia over the past half-century. Ethnically mixed families in the Russian Federation. Health and well-being of the elderly with various religious background in Europe. On demographic development of the BRICS countries.