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Tag "Demoscope Weekly"

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 723-724

Current topic: Ethno-demographic balance in the South Caucasus.
In the issue: Migration and resettlement of Dargins on the plains of Ciscaucasia: stages, factors, modern features of adaptation. Trust and distrust in interethnic relations. The ethno-political situation in the North Caucasus: an expert assessment.

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 721-722

Current topic: How mortality decreased in Finland
In the issue: An assessment of their health by men and women in Russia, Estonia, Lithuania and Finland. Death from senility: the result of demographic policy or a tool for government bodies to simulate activity? “INVISIBLE PEOPLE”: the non-permanent population of remote rural areas of Eastern Finland.

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 719-720

Current topic: Emigration from Russia: the current decade
In the issue: Emigration from Russia to countries of the far abroad in the late 20 th-early 21st century. The semantics of migration terms. Motives for return migration of Russian citizens who have received higher education abroad.

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 717-718

Current topic: The population of Russia according to UN population prospects
In the issue: Demographic forecasts in modern Russia: an analysis of the results and a choice of hypotheses. A forecast of the dynamics of population size and dependency ratio in Western Europe until 2095. The demographic component of the territorial planning of the Tver region.

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 713-714

Current topic: Where and in what jobs highly-educated Russians work.
In the issue: Does the Russian economy need human capital? Ten doubts. The success of the “education-job” transition: for whom is the path easier? The structure of employment of the rural population in the Central Black Earth region

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 711-712

Current topic: 2015 Microcensus casts doubt on effectiveness of measures to stimulate fertility.
In the issue: Transformation of the family in Russia and China: A Comparative Analysis. Values of parenthood: structure, types, resources. Nigeria’s Population Bomb. 

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 709-710

Current topic: Such is old age…
In the issue: “Normal labor potential” and age discrimination. Labor activity of the retirement-age population as a factor of social and economic development of the territory. Labor activity of a population’s “third age” in conditions of demographic aging of the population (using the example of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)). The social exclusion of older age groups: socio-economic aspects.

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 707-708

Current topic: The abortion ban: refresh your memory.
In the issue: A sociological portrait of infanticide in the United States at the turn of the 21st century: victims and perpetrators. Studying the opinions of women’s views on the causes of abortion. Socio-economic factors of children’s health in Russia. Russians’ spending on drugs: what has changed during the crisis?

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 705-706

Current topic: Suicide in Russia.
In the issue:  Territorial features of suicide prevalence in the Russian Federation. Alcohol and suicide in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus: a comparative analysis of trends. Suicide in the polar regions.

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 703-704

Current topic: Youth migration in Russia
In the issue: Student migration in the North Caucasus: causes, geography and potential problems. On the impact of migration on the age structure of the population in the regions, cities and districts of Russia. The age structure of the population of Russia and its impact on internal migration. A comparative analysis of the dynamics of the migration increase among the elderly population of the Samara region.