"Demoscope Weekly" ## 913 - 914
In the issue:
Demographic results for the first half of 2021 in Russia (part I). 42% of Russians do not know anything about the upcoming population census. Alcohol in Russia amid the pandemic. Alcohol consumption has decreased in the USA. Wanderlust: why and what for? On labor migrants.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 911 - 912
In the issue:
Demographic results for the first half of 2021 in Russia (part I). 42% of Russians do not know anything about the upcoming population census. Alcohol in Russia amid the pandemic. Alcohol consumption has decreased in the USA. Wanderlust: why and what for? On labor migrants.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 907 - 908
In the issue:
Preliminary results of the 2020 Chinese census. A father's contribution, or once again about Father's Day. Support for families in the Far East. Anti-vaxxers most often agree on artificial origin of coronavirus. Most Americans do not object to divorce and birth control, but condemn extramarital affairs and polygamy.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 905 - 906
In the issue:
EU-27 households, 2010-2020. New measures to support families with children: pros and cons. The welfare state and taxes: in search of a balance. Health and nutrition of Russians: monitoring. A healthy lifestyle for Russians means sport, the absence of bad habits and a healthy diet. Emigration.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 903 - 904
In the issue:
Mortality in the EU- 27, preliminary estimates for 2020-2021. IMF study finds mothers of young children hit hardest by COVID-19. A third of American women have changed their reproductive plans due to pandemic. Protect from everything and once and for all - Lyubov Borusyak on "destructive content". 10 recommendations to help end HIV.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 901 - 902
In the issue:
Russian demographic barometer. On family and marriage. Additional maternity support programs have been developed in 9% of companies. No hope of retirement: 8 out of 10 Russians believe that adult children should support their parents financially. How Russians manage personal and family finances. Religiousness during the pandemic.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 899 - 900
In the issue:
Russian demographic barometer. Women's health care during pandemic according to a VTsIOM survey. Major review confirms rise in stillbirths in a number of countries due to COVID-19 pandemic. Head of Moscow City Center for AIDS Prevention and Control: "HIV statistics in Russia are inflated". Millions of women do not have right to control their own body.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 897 - 898
In the issue:
Russian demographic barometer. The best age for the birth of a first child. Women become aware of their independence from parents earlier than men. Mass health examination: how to stay healthy? Only a quarter of Russians trust telemedicine.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 895 - 896
In the issue:
Migration in Russia, preliminary results of 2020. Socio-economic losses of society from the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Russia. On the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women in Europe and Central Asia. Pregnancy rates in the USA drop to historic lows.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 893 - 894
In the issue:
Preliminary demographic results of 2020 in Russia (part II). Problems of society. On drug addiction. Labor 2021: a demand for a life / work balance.