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Tag "Demoscope Weekly"

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 829-830

In the issue:
The population of Russia until the end of the century according to the UN projection of the revision 2019. Maternal mortality in the world: 2019 estimate. UN calls on countries to guarantee women the right to safe and legal abortion. In Russia, National Society for the Study of the Sexual Health of Women has been established.

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 827-828

In the issue:
Migration in Russia, the results of the first half of 2019. Sberbank NPF finds out how long Russians would like to live. Life at work: looking for balance. Xenophobic mood monitoring. Quality of data on the population and demographic processes in Russia. Scientific Seminar "Modern Demography" at the International Laboratory for the Study of Population and Health of the Higher School of Economics. We rediscover America ... Participation of Russian demographers and epidemiologists in the Open World leadership program. USA, South Dakota, 2019.

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 825-826

In the issue:
Demographic results of the first half of 2019 in Russia (part II). Russians on domestic violence (according to data of the Levada Center). Russians on domestic violence (according to data of the Public Opinion Foundation). Maternal mortality in the USA: large racial differences. Demography at the Munich Institute for the Study of the USSR. Research Seminar of the Institute of Demography, HSE "Demographic Challenges of the 21st Century".

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 823-824

In the issue:
Demographic results of the first half of 2019 in Russia (Part I). Suicides and their prevention in Russia, 2018: key facts. Maternity capital: bigger, higher, stronger. Family needs. Attitudes to marriage and divorce: monitoring. Housing problems. Lung cancer: prevalence and accessibility of treatment in Russia. 

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 821-822

In the issue:
World Population according to UN 2019 Revision estimates. Ministry of Labour proposes to shorten the list of professions prohibited for women. Sexual education does not lead to early sex, but helps protect adolescent health. New UN-Women report proposes program to eliminate gender inequality in families. Treatable sexually transmitted infections. 

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 819-820

In the issue:
Global trends in road traffic deaths according to 2018 WHO estimates. Internal Russian Migration. Being friends with the opposite sex: is the impossible possible?! A healthy lifestyle: monitoring. Dad can do anything? How pensions are accrued. Salvatore Strozza lecture series.

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 817-818

In the issue:
Alcohol and world population health, 2018 WHO estimates. The World Health Assembly has endorsed ICD-11. Conditions related to gender identity are no longer considered a mental disorder. In Eastern Europe and Central Asia the number of new HIV cases has increased by 30 percent since 2010. New reproductive health information resource in Europe. Spatial inequality in mortality by causes of death in Europe: empirical data and directions for further research. Scientific seminar “Modern Demography” of the International Laboratory for Population and Health Research, HSE.

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 815-816

In the issue:
World alcohol consumption trends, 2018 WHO estimates. Hard work, poverty and old age: three causes of disease in Russia. Trust in doctors and medical facilities. Social distance. Attitudes towards LGBT. What do you smoke? Young scientists on current problems of demographic science. Meeting of the Demographic Section of the Central House of Scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Round table "HIV prevention and reproductive health of young Russians: the view of researchers and practitioners".

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 809-810

In the issue:
Crime in Russia, 2018. Russia opposes sex education. Opinion of Russians about the sexual education of young people. South Korea legalizes abortion after 66 year ban. Demography at the XX April International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development of HSE.

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 807-808

In the issue:
Morbidity in Russia, 2017-2018. Gender equality in Russia: an ideal or a false goal? Flu and ARVI: how to defeat a pandemic? How we sleep. Euthanasia: Pros and Cons. Limits of human longevity: what can demographic data say? Russian surnames. Will the Far East become Russia's priority in the 21st century?