"Demoscope Weekly" ## 759-760
In the issue:
Russia: preliminary demographic results of 2017 (Part I). Fertility in Russia: measures and opinions. Marriage and cohabitation: put an equal sign? Cheating, same-sex relations, abortions: taboo or norm? From human papillomavirus to cervical cancerAttitudes to religion.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 733-734
Current topic: Has the potential of structural factors of fertility growth been exhausted? Part 2.
In the issue: Desired and real fertility in Tropical Africa. Demographic potential and the stimulation of fertility. Interethnic marriages in Kazakhstan: an assessment of preferences using a matrix of interethnic distances.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 731-732
Current topic: Has the potential of structural factors of fertility growth been exhausted? Part 1.
In the issue: Current fertility trends in Russia and the impact of government support measures. Losses of potential births in Russia due to health problems. Trends in qualitative and quantitative changes in features of fertility in Russia and the Republic of Komi.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 711-712
Current topic: 2015 Microcensus casts doubt on effectiveness of measures to stimulate fertility.
In the issue: Transformation of the family in Russia and China: A Comparative Analysis. Values of parenthood: structure, types, resources. Nigeria’s Population Bomb.