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"Demoscope Weekly" ## 751-752

Current topic: Russia’s Russia’s demographic challenges. Part two. Fertility and mortality
In the issue: The dependence of life expectancy on educational attainment in Russia. Women in public service in Russia: career, family, reproductive intentions. Current fertility trends in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Demographic Review #3

In the issue: The Russian revolution of 1917 through the prism of demographic modernization. Personal psychological resources and health inequalities: the strength of the buffer effect in European countries. Child malnutrition in Africa: statistical analysis and modeling of factors. Russians in the republics of the North Caucasus: frontiers of geo-demographic retreat (the first half of the 21st century). Estimating military losses: a search for truth, ignorance or bias? The values of the elderly and the political consequences of the global aging of the population. Perspectives on population-based prostate cancer screening.

Statistical analysis of factors influencing child malnutrition in Africa. A meeting of the student society "Demographer"

The meeting of the student society "Demographer" was held on November 10, 2017 and was devoted to a statistical analysis of factors affecting child malnutrition in African countries. The speaker of the meeting was Anna Lubnina, a first year student of the HSE programme "Population and Development".

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 749-750

Current topic: Russia’s demographic challenges. Part one – Population and Space.
In the issue: The typology of regional dynamics of the population of Russia in the post-Soviet period. Socio-economic outlines of a society of longevity. The dynamics of population size of coastal cities of Russia in the post-Soviet period.

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 747-748

Current topic: Migration in the UK on the eve of the migration crisis in Europe. Part 2 
In the issue: Forming a new immigration regime in Europe. Emigration from Russia to foreign countries in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Distinctive geographical features of modern external migration of the population in Spain.

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 745-746

Current topic: Migration in the UK on the eve of the migration crisis in Europe. Part 1.
In the issue: An analysis of the mechanism of migration of Russian-speaking scientists in the field of computer science to Great Britain. Schooling children of other ethnicities in the UK (based on the example of London). Geographic features of migration links in Europe.

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 743-744

Current topic: Will the demographic explosion be contained?
In the issue: Family planning programs and their impact on fertility: the experience of the developing world and the prospects for its application in Africa. A Malthusian trap in the age of globalization? Prospects for Russian Family Policy: tradition by coercion.

Demographic Review #2

In the issue: Determinants of the demographic transition in the Global South. New population policy in China: «One family – two children». The demographic modernization of Iran (from the second half of the 20th to the beginning of the 21st century). How robotics and labor-saving technologies impact population change: trends and scenarios. International migration in Russia (the USSR) during the end of the 19th‒ the first third of the 20th century. International migration in the USSR in 1923-1930. Fertility in advanced societies: a review of research.

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 741-742

Current topic: HIV: the alarming situation in Russia against the backdrop of global trends.
In the issue: Mortality from infectious socially significant diseases in Russia. The tuberculosis epidemic situation among people with HIV in the Russian Federation. Medico-social features of the “aging” of the HIV epidemic in St. Petersburg.

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 739-740

Current topic: What the experience of family policy teaches
In the issue: The comparative effectiveness of family benefits in Europe. A family-friendly workplace: political initiatives, the employer’s position and types of support for workers with family responsibilities. “We just live together”: Cohabitation in modern Russia.