"Demoscope Weekly" ## 997 - 998
In the issue: International migrants in the European Union, 2021-2022. On the issue of fertility in modern Russia. Two-thirds of Russians say they have a positive attitude towards large families. More than half of divorced fathers do not participate in family life in any way. One in three Russians ignores symptoms that could be signs of cancer. Employment and unemployment in the views of Russians. Men more often expect to live on a pension in old age, women - to continue working. Income at retirement age.
Student Research Paper Competition 2023 Begins
On September 1st, a new season of the open Student Research Paper Competition (SRPC) started. This competition is aimed at developing the potential of university students who are interested in academic activities. Students, as well as 2023 graduates of Russian and foreign universities, can submit their papers for the competition until October 15th, 2023. This year SRPC turns 20 years old, throughout the competition’s history, Vadim Radaev, HSE University’s First Vice Rector, has been the chair of the organising committee. In today’s interview, he talks about the history of the competition and the key stages in its development.
Demographic Review #2 2023
In the issue: The demographic structure of families and households in Russia, its dynamics according to population censuses. Trends in regional fertility differentiation during the second demographic transition. Interethnic differences in divorce rates in the North Caucasus. Regional variation of fertility and its relation to the socio-economic development of Russian Regions. The transition from abortion to contraception: key moments in the history of Russian politics in the 1990s. Short-term forecasting of mortality rates based on operational data using machine learning methods.
Demographic Review #1 2023
In the issue: The history of births in Russia: from generation to generation. Does the probability of having a child depend on the level of wealth and its subjective perception in Russian households: in search of answers to eternal questions. Cohort total fertility in demographic projections: a comparative analysis of the prospects for fertility changes in the countries of the former USSR. Calendars and sequences of events during the transition to adulthood among different generations in France, Estonia and Russia. The age of friends in an online social network. From the history of the 2002. All-Russian population census: do we need such a state commission?
Search Query: How to Study Migration with Google Trends
Experts have calculated that the number of international students in Russia has grown six times over the last decade, and researchers say that many of those who are studying today would like to stay in the country. This, alongside issues such as why Google Trends are worth looking into, were covered at the HSE XXIV Yasin International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development section on demography and labour markets.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 975 - 976
In the issue: Aging of the world population according to UN estimates of 2022. National projects 2022: the social sphere. 43% of Russian men would agree to take parental leave instead of their wife. 3 out of ten husbands help their wives with all household chores. 4 out of 10 workers fail to balance work and personal life. Emigration moods in Russia and the world. Your financial situation - and how to improve it?
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 973 - 974
In the issue: International migration according to 2022 estimates. One in three Russians reports having had the flu this autumn-winter. Women complaining more often about harassment from colleagues. Russians name country’s top 5 cities for a comfortable life in retirement. Labor mobility within the EU. Online education: 53% of Russians want to develop in their profession.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 971 - 972
In the issue: Youth of the CIS, some characteristics of mortality. A heavy burden, or excess weight and how to deal with it. Three years with coronavirus: 54% of Russians expect a new wave of COVID-19. 45% of men consider the earlier retirement age of women discrimination. Romir: Satisfaction with healthcare among Russians has doubled. The minimum draft age should be increased, the maximum should be left as is. Russians want men aged 21 to 27 to be drafted into the army. How the future looks: planning horizons and moods.
Demographic Review #4 2022
In the issue: Subjective perception of social inequality - the population opinion about social justice. Mass relocations of the population in connection with the shift to the west of the territory of Poland after the World War II. Assessment of reliability of results of the 2019 Belarus population census based on an analysis of changes in the ethnolinguistic composition of population. The Zemsky Doctor program as a factor of the doctors’ migration to the peripheral territories of the central Russian regions. Gender differences in the feeling of the school safety among teenagers aged 14-17. Reproductive intentions and fertility trends in different countries during the COVID-19 pandemic: an analytical review of studies. Does demography need a unified theory?
Demographic Review #3 2022
In the issue: The central mechanism of the demographic transition. Who needs (or doesn't) three years of parental leave? Impact of social-economic and demographic factors on probability of preterm birth. The transformation of immigrant values in the context of their cultural integration: attitudes towards divorce and premarital sexual relations. Using Google Trends for external migration prediction. Kalmyks of the Soviet Russia in the post-deportation period (late 1950s – 1980s): demographic, settlement and gender aspects. Marriage and the antichrist: a century of opposition to marriage among peasant women of the Spasovo Soglasie.