"Demoscope Weekly" ## 691-692
Current topic: What working-age Russians get ill with and die of.
In the issue: Cardiovascular disease in the context of the socio-economic priorities of Russia’s long-term development. The epidemiology of stroke in Russia according to the results of the territorial and population register (2009-2010). The ultimate effect of Russia’s demographic policies in the 1980s.
Demographic Review #1
In the issue: Mortality from cardiovascular diseases and life expectancy in Russia. Fertility in higher-order marital unions in Russia: does a new partnership allow for the realization of the two-child ideal? The rural-urban continuum: the destiny of the notion and its link to the spatial mobility of the population. Simon Kuznets on demographic issues. Who has upset the ethnic balance in Russia?
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 689-690
Current topic: The demographic footprint of war.
In the issue: The reduction of infant mortality in Russia in 1940-1958. From abortion Thermidor to legislative liberalism: policy on marriage and family relations as a mirror of the history of the USSR. The dynamics of Moscow’s population size over the last 140 years.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 687-688
Current topic: From abortion to contraception.
In the issue: Termination of pregnancy in the Russian Federation according to official statistics and a longitudinal survey. The medicalization of reproduction and childbirth: the struggle for control. Women’s childlessness and scenarios of their life path.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 685-686
Current topic: Mortality and life expectancy in Russia: What’s new? Part two.
In the issue:The information potential of the statistics of multiple causes of death. The irreversible loss of Russia’s population as a result of drug use in 2000-2011. The consumption of alcohol on the eve of death and mortality from injuries, poisonings and other consequences of the effect of external causes.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 683-684
Current topic: Mortality and life expectancy in Russia: What’s new? Part one.
In the issue: Operational statistical information about the population: possibilities and limitations. Life expectancy in Russia and factors affecting it. Factors of mortality from external causes and ways to reduce it: interviews with experts.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 681-682
Current topic: Why is a migrant not always a migrant’s friend, comrade and brother? Part two
In the issue: Re-emigration of Russian Germans from Germany to Russia: factors and the scale of the phenomenon. The “cultural memory” of Russian-speaking migrants in Germany: the impact on the formation of new identities of immigrants from the former Soviet Union. A peculiarity of Russian migration to Europe: flight of the creative class?
Demographic Review #4
In the issue: An unnoticed contribution to demographic transition theory. Demographic results of 2014. A brief report. The sequence of life events of Russian men serving and not serving in the military. Mortality in Russia in light of the in alcohol consumption. Integral indicators of demographic losses from deaths and injuries due to road accidents in Russia.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 679-680
Current topic: Why is a migrant not always a migrant’s friend, comrade and brother?
In the issue: Muslim Integration in Europe: the political aspect. Migration policy and collective identity: the experience of Russian-Germans in Germany. The human capital of highly qualified Russian-speaking specialists in emigration: the trajectory of professional and career development of immigrants. Gender characteristics and determinants of adaptive behavior of Russian-speaking migrants in Germany.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 677-678
Current topic: The sustainable development rating of Russia’s cities: what’s new?
In the issue: Domestic and foreign experience in the study of cities losing population: themes, methods and research centers. Current trends within US urban agglomerations. Moscow: capital, global city, agglomeration. Major cities in Central Asia: between demography and politics.