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Demographic Review. English selection.

We are pleased to introduce the first English issue of our journal "Demographic Review. English selection 2015". It contains the translations of selected articles published in previous issues of the journal in Russian. The main goal of this edition is to make the results of population studies in Russia more accessible for our foreign colleagues and to widen the collaboration of Russian demographers with the international scientific demographic community.

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 667-668

Current topic: The third age: social well-being.
In the issue: Factors of inequality at the micro level. The “caring home”: caring for elderly relatives and problems of living together. The attitude to aging through the prism of the attitude to death. Potential segments of the population for expanding the customer base of commercial banks in the face of an aging population.

Demographic Review #2

In the issue: Road traffic accidents and mortality in Russia. Pensioners on the Russian labour market: trends of economic activity in pension age. Migration plans of graduates of Moldavian universities. Social differences in household structures in the 19th century: Moscow and its outskirts. Mysticism and truth of the hyperbolic law. A new explanation of the course of world history. Immigration policy in the United States.

Traditional Family is in Revival

The Russian family has been becoming more demographically heterogeneous over recent years. Some of the families follow the trend of having many children: women more often give birth to a third and fourth child, and the gap between births is decreasing, which makes the evolution of the family faster.

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 665-666

Current topic: Anti-alcohol measures: are they working in Russia?
In the issue: The structure of alcohol consumption as a social group indicator in modern Russian cities. The relationship between alcohol consumption practices and the social structure of modern Russia. “New wave” drugs as a factor in changing the drug situation in Russia.

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 663-664

Current topic: Russians not ready to work.
In the issue: Young people excluded from employment and education in the EU and Russia. Unemployment in the OECD countries: the evolution of attitudes and policies. Live “in the shadow” or die “in the light”: informal employment on the Russian labor market. Social capital and social mobility in Makhachkala, or what to do if you do not have influential relatives?

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 661-662

Current topic: Migrants who take care of others.
In the issue: The commercialization of domestic labor in the Russia context: from family help to an informal market of hired help. The labor of domestic workers in Russia and abroad: its scope and distinguishing features. Home care nurses from the provinces in the big city. Migration behavior of residents of the Republic of Bashkortostan (an analysis of sociological data). Preliminary results of the census in Georgia: Georgia’s population is only 3.7 million people.

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 659-660

Current topic: What seems to be the problem, Mommy?
In the issue: Determinants of employment for mothers in Russia. Criticism of social policy in the current agenda of the parental community. Social policy in the field of parenting: a comparative analysis (Russia-France).

Demographic Review #1

In the issue: The demographic transition: debate about theories of different levels. Confidence estimation of demographic rates on example of mortality rates. Migration and intergenerational replacement in Europe. Mortality from undetermined causes of death in Russia and in a selected set of countries. Changes in the structure of Russian households in 1994-2013 (statistical analysis). More or less? The real price of war.

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 657-658

Current topic: Russian dachas in different scales of space and time