"Demoscope Weekly" ## 897 - 898
In the issue:
Russian demographic barometer. The best age for the birth of a first child. Women become aware of their independence from parents earlier than men. Mass health examination: how to stay healthy? Only a quarter of Russians trust telemedicine.
Demographic Review #1 2021
In the issue:
Anatoly Vishnevsky and his demographic system. Excess mortality in Russia on holidays. Body mass index dynamics of Russian men and women: age–period–cohort analysis. The impact of smoking on mortality in Russia in 2019. The gender gap in life expectancy: a review of genetic, social, and value factors. Regional aspects of the dynamics of Russian language use by the population of Belarus in 2009–2019. A retrospective analysis of migration links of a donor region.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 895 - 896
In the issue:
Migration in Russia, preliminary results of 2020. Socio-economic losses of society from the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Russia. On the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women in Europe and Central Asia. Pregnancy rates in the USA drop to historic lows.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 893 - 894
In the issue:
Preliminary demographic results of 2020 in Russia (part II). Problems of society. On drug addiction. Labor 2021: a demand for a life / work balance.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 891 - 892
In the issue:
Preliminary demographic results of 2020 in Russia (part I). Success or failure? Interview of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vadim Pokrovsky in Meditsinskaya Gazeta. Women and smoking. Rights of women and men.
Demographic Review #4 2020
In the issue:
The main family: background and prospects. (No)time to grow up: changing ages of debut biographical events in Russia. Pedestrian mortality in Russia: a continuous decline over the last 25 years? Trends in morbidity, prevalence and mortality from HIV infection and tuberculosis in the regions of Russia in the XXI century. Modeling the risk of becoming disabled in Russia: an assessment based on the Russian longitudinal monitoring survey. Migration management and migration policy models.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 879 - 880
We are pleased to present the contents of the recent issue of our web journal Demoscope Weekly (№ 879-880). All articles listed below are available in the Russian language only.
Demographic Review #3 2020
In the issue:
Epidemiologic transition and its interpretations. Population and family policy in different countries: conceptual approaches and practices. Labour migration in Russia during the coronavirus pandemic. Center-peripheral differences in life expectancy in Russia: regional analysis. The effect of migration on population size and age composition in municipalities of different types in Bashkortostan. Is the Internet a health-preserving factor in Russia? Live and remember.
Demographic Review #2 2020
In the issue:
The Russian population of the near abroad: geodemographic dynamics of the post-Soviet period. Polarization and shrinkage of active space in the core of Russia: trends, problems and possible solutions. Defining the boundaries of urban agglomerations in Russia: model creation and results. Reproductive attitudes of Russians and how they regard government measures to support fertility. Healthcare responses to COVID-19 in different countries. Mortality from COVID-19 against the backdrop of other twentieth century mortality bursts. The effect of caring for older and disabled relatives on the employment, health and economic status of caregivers.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 859-860
In the issue:
Health costs in OECD countries, 2019. Coronavirus: the fight goes on! Coronavirus: fears of Russians. Most Russians are against banning unvaccinated children from school. Employment during the pandemic. The lockdown has strengthened twice as many families as it has destroyed. When it rains it pours: consecutive weather shocks and mortality in Russia. Migration in small and medium-sized cities of Russia: the main trajectories and unresolved issues. School segregation is carried out by a city’s residents themselves. Methodological approaches to assessing mortality from COVID-19 in France.