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Efficiency of EU Energy Security Strategies within the Framework of Global Energy System

Student: Mogilevczeva Mariya

Supervisor: Vladimir N. Zuev

Faculty: Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs

Educational Programme: Bachelor

Year of Graduation: 2014

The paper of Mogilevtseva Maria “Efficiency of EU Energy Security Strategies within the Framework of Global Energy System” is devoted to the problem of ensuring EU energy security. The aim of the work is to examine European energy security strategies and to analyze their efficiency. Within this field the following tasks will be fulfilled: to analyze European background in the field of energy, to define the key trends on EU energy market, to determine the factors, which have contributed the most to the current import dependency, to observe the prospects of energy security strategies and the main obstacles to its efficiency. After data, statistics and literature analysis it can be concluded that energy policy of the EU lacks of correspondence. Declared aims of this policy are different from the real actions of governments. The reason lies in the variety of European countries` interests, what prevents an effective implementation of energy security strategies. To become closer to an effective energy market and single energy policy, countries of the EU can combine their efforts, thereby improving their level of cooperation.

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