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Conceptualizing and Evaluating the Success of Organizational Culture

Student: Vitman Ekaterina

Supervisor: Olga Isopeskul

Faculty: Faculty of Management

Educational Programme: Bachelor

Year of Graduation: 2014

<p>In the meantime organizational culture is considered as the key contributor of efficiency of an organization. The significant role of organizational culture has been also proven in academic literature and in practical studies where researchers have found the correlation between organizational culture and financial results of the company. Nowadays, quite a number of researchers hold various views on organizational culture and its influence on companies. However, all scholars consider that this influence exists. So, it is important to study the impact of organizational culture on the company. It is difficulty to evaluate the organizational culture effectiveness, because organizational culture is very difficult to transfer to a digital form. Consequently, there is a need to find new concepts that define the gaps between desirable and real state of organizational culture. The solution to a problem might be creation of the concept of organizational culture success. This concept will provide managers with a tool kit which defines success.</p><p>An overview of the organizational culture literature indicates an absence of articles about organizational culture success. However, it is necessary to notice, that almost nobody before investigated the success of organizational culture. So, this subject is not developed on theoretical and methodological levels, this is a know-how. Undoubtedly the successful organizational culture will influence success of the organization. Therefore creation of concept of organizational culture success will be significant in theory.</p><p>In this research, the terms &laquo;organizational culture&raquo; and &laquo;corporate culture&raquo; are used in the same meaning. We assume that the success of organizational culture is generated by three components whose synergism allows the organizational culture to achieve the necessary degree of success. Moreover, if one of these components will be low, the organizational culture will be unsuccessful as a whole.</p><p>Work consists of introduction, three chapters, eight paragraphs and conclusion.</p><p>The first chapter presents the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of organizational culture and its effectiveness.</p><p>&nbsp;In the second chapter we describes the theoretical and methodological foundations of the concept of the organizational culture success, its criteria and indicators of success, evaluation tools. We justify the use of life-cycle theory and stakeholder analysis to determine the organizational culture success.</p><p>The third chapter presents the characteristics of the company. We apply the concept of organizational culture for the company, present the results of research &nbsp;and identify the level of its success as well as offer recommendations for improving specific indicators.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

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