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Creation of Innovational Territorial Clusters in the Industry of Robotics

Student: Mandzhiev Zungru

Supervisor: Peter S Fedin

Faculty: Faculty of Business Informatics

Educational Programme: Bachelor

Year of Graduation: 2014

In the course of this work its goals were achieved, namely, recommendations on the formation of territorial innovation cluster example for robotics industry were formed on the basis of international experience. 
This work includes the description of what has been done on developing recommendations for the implementation of an innovative regional clusters of robotics in Russia. Expert survey was conducted, during which revealed five selection criteria support for robotic Russian foreign clusters. 
There were also developed recommendations for the selection of potential sites for the implementation of robotics cluster. The analysis has been proposed as a potential Moscow area for the implementation of the cluster. 
On the territory of Moscow have developed all the conditions for the conduct of high-tech, in particular business field of robotics. Well-developed transport infrastructure, availability of high-quality scientific research, the availability of cheap and skilled personnel, access to financing, the availability of consumers and the general development of the market make Moscow an attractive place for robotic company. 
To build an effective robot cluster identified the following criteria for potential sites: 
- Availability of highly qualified personnel 
- Availability of scientific developments, internationally competitive 
- Ability to protect intellectual property 
- Support in the early stages of the state engaged in designing robots kompaniĭ 
- Access to venture capital and other forms of financing 
- Comfortable working conditions 
Besides recommendations were developed for selection of potential cluster members. 
On the basis of these criteria have been proposed and some of the potential cluster members at the design stage. 
Since all recommendations formed, and verified that they have been discussed with experts, we can recommend the launch of a project to create a cluster based on the proposed recommendations. 
In the case of capacity (financial, human, technical) can start the cluster on all the other recommended sites. 
In further research on the subject of the development of innovative regional clusters can generate recommendations for the development of territories to create favorable conditions for the formation of these clusters. 

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