Political Views of John Winthrop
Student: Akutin Kirill
Supervisor: Andrey A. Iserov
Faculty: Faculty of History
Educational Programme: Bachelor
Year of Graduation: 2014
The paper analyzes the political theory of John Winthrop in its relations with social reality and intellectual culture of the first half of the seventeenth century.
Theoretical basis of methodological apparatus is the history of concepts developed by R. Koselleck.
Winthrop’s outlook was influenced by religious culture existed in England, so special attention was paid to this period of his life. From an early age, the future philosopher was devoutly religious man. Religiosity affected all spheres of life, even in relations with his wives.
The conceptual framework of political theory involves a number of concepts that acquire new connotations and meanings in Winthrop’s texts. These concepts include equality, state, authority, freedom, and covenant. The most important of them is covenant or treaty to regulate the relationship between God and human beings. Winthrop uses this concept in order to emphasize the relationship between Puritan New England society and God. The concept of covenant is one of the most developed parts Winthrop’s philosophy. The concept of authority is in close connection with clerical and state power. For example, legally magistrates have full power, but the ideological and political leadership of the social life was in the hands of the church. According to Winthrop, the Lord gave authority to people through agreement with them. At the same time, God empowers the most worthwhile and predetermined to her. The concept of freedom is also important in Winthrop’s political philosophy. He distinguished two kinds of freedom: natural and civil or federal.
John Winthrop does not use the concept of sovereignty. However, the problem of sovereignty exits in his works. There is sovereign over the "real" power, which ensures the functioning of the sovereign - God. Thus, democratic character of Puritan communities of New England did not abolish the divine sovereignty, which universally prevailed in European political theory and practice.
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