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H-infinity Design of Control Systems with the Robust Control Toolbox

Student: Makeenkova Dar`ya

Supervisor: Vladimir Ivanovich Kapalin

Faculty: Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics

Educational Programme: Specialist

Year of Graduation: 2014

The Diploma work  is about the modeling of control systems in MATLAB.

The first part deals with the modeling of the transfer functions in the nucleus of MATLAB. The work considers a range of tasks on classical control theory: linear time-invariant systems, Laplace transform, models of dynamical systems and transfer functions, the frequency response method , stability analysis of control systems, the rate of oscillation and the circumference of the Hall .

The second part of the work investigates the robust control theory in MATLAB using the expansion options Robust Control Toolbox. It examines the input of uncertain parameters, input of transfer functions with uncertain parameters, the norms of vectors, matrixes and systems, and synthesis of robust controller using mixed function sensitivity.

This Diploma work contains a description of the MATLAB features applicable to problems in the control theory. The work also contains a large number of tasks that can be used for laboratory practices of control theory in technical universities. This Diploma work can be used for educational purposes. Its analysis of problems presents theoretical material, the program's code in MATLAB, and results as graphs.  

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