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Public-private wage gap

Student: Spiridonova Marina

Supervisor: Liudmila Leonova

Faculty: Faculty of Economics

Educational Programme: Bachelor

Year of Graduation: 2014

<p>There is currently the growing interest in studying job-satisfaction and a wage rate is one of its principal factors. &nbsp;The project is intended to cover some major issues pertaining to the sphere of the labor market.&nbsp; The general purpose of this project is to reveal the private-public wage gaps in Russia and 16 European countries and to examine these gaps dispersion in economies. The period observed is 1995 -2012.</p><p>This research is particularly urgent due to the increased concern of the governments for the problem of private-public wages inequality which has an adverse affect on the whole economy. The issue posed can be a matter of great interest for all those who are engaged in the labor policy-making or occupy themselves with hiring the staff and for international companies.</p><p>Using the data from the website of European Statistics as the basis for the present research an econometric technique such as OLS-method is applied to conduct the analysis. The research employs the statistical computer program called Eviews. The results obtained: the positive public-private wage gap which depends on such factors as hours worked, sex and the type of economy.</p><p>&nbsp;Future research in this area of studies is urgently required</p>

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