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  • Mechanisms and technologies of interaction of legislative (representative) authorities and Russian business structures in modern Russian political process

Mechanisms and technologies of interaction of legislative (representative) authorities and Russian business structures in modern Russian political process

Student: Palekha Aleksandr

Supervisor: Olga Michailovna Orlinskaya

Faculty: Faculty of Management (Nizhny Novgorod)

Educational Programme: Bachelor

Final Grade: 7

Year of Graduation: 2014

<p>Theme: &quot;Mechanisms and technologies of interaction of legislative (representative) authorities and Russian business structures in modern Russian political process&quot;</p><p>Keywords: business structures, legislative (representative) authorities, public-business relations, business associations, parliamentalism, lobbing.</p><p>Scientific interest to the problems of interaction between businesses and legislative (representative)&nbsp; authorities raised because of number of factors related to the main trends in the economic and political systems. Forming of specific models of interaction between business structures and legislative (representative) authorities in the Russian Federation is one of the key factors of successful economic reforming and , as a result, an increase in economic growth , and also affects on the political system performance. However, the forming of various models of interaction between business structures and public authorities depends on the experience of the country , the existing political culture and formed social, economic and political institutions.</p><p>The attention to the problem of business and legislative (representative) authorities relationships is also connected to the management needs . Building an effective model of public-business interaction of requires the development of essential institutional framework for such cooperation , as well as the development of mechanisms for their putting to the practice. On the agenda the question of necessary institutionalizing of cooperation between business and government , as well as the establishment of effective mechanisms of their interaction.</p><p>Problem is the lack of understanding of the process of interaction between business-structures and legislative authorities in modern Russia, what affect the effectiveness of this process.</p><p>Hypothesis of the study &ndash; there is certain specific in the process of interaction of business structures and legislative authorities&nbsp; in Russian Federation, because of which the modern methods and technologies of interaction may not be as effective as those in developed European and American countries.</p><p>The object of research is the interaction between businesses and the legislative (representative) authorities.</p><p>Subject of research - methods and technologies of interaction between business structures and legislative (representative) authorities.</p><p>The general purposes of this project is to identify the contradictions in the development of effective relationship between business and the legislative (representative) authorities</p><p>To achieve the stated objectives need to carry out the following tasks:</p><p>1. Examine existing approaches to the study of interaction between business structures and legislative (representative) authorities.</p><p>2. Compare the existing typologies of interaction models of business structures and legislative ( representative) authorities , taking into account existing approaches .</p><p>3. Investigate and characterize the institutional foundations of parliamentarism in the Russian Federation</p><p>4 Investigate stages of development of the processes of lobbing an GR in developed countries and in Russia.</p><p>5. Analyze the political environment of business in Russia.</p><p>6. Identify the basic methods and technologies of interaction between business-structures and legislative authorities in Russia</p><p>The first chapter is devoted to the concept of development of parlamentarism in Russia</p><p>The second chapter analyzes the development of legal and &nbsp;political environment of business in Russia.</p><p>The third chapter presents the methods and technologies of interaction between business-structures and legislative authorities in Russia.</p><p>In conclusion, the results described of the work are done and provide the information on how business-structures and legislative authorities in Russia interact.</p><p>From this study it can be concluded that there is certain specific in the process of interaction of business structures and legislative authorities&nbsp; in Russian Federation, because of which the modern methods and technologies of interaction may not be as effective as those in developed European and American countries.</p><p>This specific appears as:</p><p style="margin-left:71.45pt;">&middot;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In developed democratic countries, the legislative lobbying carried ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ on three-actors scheme: pressure groups - professional lobbyists or lobbying organization &ndash; parliamentarians. In the Russian legislative lobbying process there is two-actors scheme in which lobbyist and parliamentarian actually acts as one actor.</p><p>It uses the following methods and technologies of interaction:</p><p style="margin-left:71.45pt;">&middot;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Creating your own groups deputies lobbyists</p><p style="margin-left:71.4pt;">&bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; nomination own candidates</p><p style="margin-left:71.4pt;">&bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; direct inclusion representatives in federal ᠌ lists of political parties and associations</p><p style="margin-left:71.4pt;">&bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; enter into time on particular bill or more ᠌ permanent on certain legislative ᠌ topics agreements with MPs still not engaged by other pressure groups</p><p style="margin-left:71.4pt;">&bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; presence and active part ᠌ representatives and experts pressure groups work ᠌ various advisory and expert advice at parliamentary committees and associations of parliamentarians working groups ᠌ bills</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

Full text (added June 7, 2014) (442.25 Kb)

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