Improving city housing services management
Student: Ivanov Daniil
Supervisor: Vadim Chekalin
Faculty: Faculty of Economics
Educational Programme: Bachelor
Year of Graduation: 2014
Bachelor’s thesis titled: ‘Improving city housing services management’ includes 11 figures and 9 tables. The paper consists of 36 pages with 44 literature sources used. The paper consists of two chapters. Key words: housing fund, housing and communal services system (HCS system), housing sphere management, economical-mathematical analysis.
In recent years in the Russian Federation, there has been an increasing interest in city housing services, housing funds, communal services and the matter of improving and reforming these organizations were weigh in with the status of the one of the most significant issues to be considered on, since existing problems in housing and communal services (HCS) are one of the reasons which are holding back the entire economy of the country. The existing management system is ineffective not only because of low service quality while having big costs, but also from the controllability point of view. All of this determined the relevancy of the thesis.
The aim of the thesis is to analyze the conditions of housing fund and to propose the ways to improve it. The subject of the study is organizational and economic relations in housing fund managing system. The object of the study is a condo (apartment house).
To achieve the aim of the thesis were studied the researches of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of housing sphere, as well as the foreign experience on running the HCS system and various statistic and normative documents. The study was conducted using functional, situational, system approaches using methods of logical and causal analyzes and peer reviews, as well as through economic and mathematical modeling.
Scientific novelty lies in the economic and mathematical analysis of the state of the housing fund and the development of ways to improve housing management on its basis.
Practical significance of this paper is that the presented economical and mathematical model can be used to further analysis of the housing sphere and to determine a new ways of improving this system.
In the first chapter ‘The theoretical approaches of managing the housing fund system in modern conditions’ the main idea was to reveal the basic concepts of organizational and economic relations in housing sphere, to determine the basic definitions, to classify the housing fund on the basis of various criteria and also to provide the foreign experience on the matter of study.
In the second chapter ‘The economical and mathematical approaches of housing fund condition analysis’ the main idea was to examine the economic indicators of the housing fund and housing sphere conditions, as well as an analysis of investment needs based on the developed economic and mathematical model. Based on the studied material and provided analysis were indentified the ways of improving the housing fund management system of the city.
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