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Word of mouth as a marketing communication tool

Student: Fedosov Dmitrij

Supervisor: Alexandra Nikolaevna Timokhovich

Faculty: Faculty of Management

Educational Programme: Bachelor

Year of Graduation: 2014

<p align="center"><strong>Abstracts</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>1.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </strong><strong>Topic of bachelor&rsquo;s thesis</strong></p><p>Word of mouth as a marketing communication tool</p><p><strong>2.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </strong><strong>Student</strong></p><p>Fedosov Dmitry Denisovich, group 421, faculty of management NRU HSE</p><p><strong>3.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </strong><strong>Supervisor</strong></p><p>Alexandra Timokhovich, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, associate professor</p><p style="margin-left:-14.2pt;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin-left:-14.2pt;">The present work describes one of the most developing at present advertising methods &ndash; word of mouth.&nbsp; Development of the Internet and social networks make it more and more demanded for advance of goods and services.</p><p style="margin-left:-14.2pt;">The purpose of this work - to study word of mouth&rsquo; features as the instrument of marketing communications. Moreover, the author will describe the strategy and the promotion plan of the own Hobot Timecafe.</p><p style="margin-left:-14.2pt;">This purpose assumes the solution of the following tasks:</p><p style="margin-left:21.3pt;">1 . To consider the concept &quot;Word of mouth&quot; or &quot;buzz marketing&quot;;</p><p style="margin-left:21.3pt;">2 . To define a role of a word of mouth as instrument of marketing communications;</p><p style="margin-left:21.3pt;">3 . To describe results of the word of mouth introduction in the Hobot Timecafe promotion plan in the Odintsovo;</p><p style="margin-left:21.3pt;">4 . To investigate methods to influence on &quot;rumours&quot;.</p><p style="margin-left:-14.2pt;">The subject of this research will be the Word of mouth as the instrument of marketing communications.</p><p style="margin-left:-14.2pt;">The scope of the research &ndash; all features of the word of mouth introduction in the promotion plan of the Hobot Timecafe.</p><p style="margin-left:-14.2pt;">The statement that the word of mouth as the instrument of marketing communications is the integral element in the Hobot Timecaf&eacute;&rsquo;s promotion plan will be the main hypothesis in the present work. Also, it is stated, that achievement of the necessary number of guests and hundred percentages filling is possible by using the effect of the word of mouth.</p><p style="margin-left:-14.2pt;">Practical base of this research includes the first clients&rsquo; poll, the analysis of activity of visit of cafe both personal records and the supervision received during realization and launch of the cafe.</p><p style="margin-left:-14.2pt;">Within this final qualification work such empirical method, as poll, interview and theoretical methods of the literature analysis on a subject of informal communications and article on a word of mouth were used.</p><p style="margin-left:-14.2pt;">During the start of the project called &quot;Hobot Timecafe&quot;, the author defined for himself that the statement of many modern writers that word of mouth marketing is kept only online - is wrong. The Internet and new ways of communication, undoubtedly, play a key role in expansion of the horizons and coverage zones of the word of mouth. Moreover, during the promotion, the author were carried out some contests using social networks, however, participation of clients in competitions, rewarding of all participants with the branded prizes didn&#39;t raise attendance level so much, much more useful were bright actions in the central park of the city in honor of a holiday of the Great Victory and Children&#39;s Day The flyers distribution by employees with discount and&nbsp; rumours&#39; implementation among students of the Odintsovo Humanitarian brought to cafe small, but stable loading. Survey conducted among guests about a source from which they learned about existence of the Hobot, revealed that 62% of guests came exactly thanks to rumours and recommendations of acquaintances, this indicator confirms overall performance of the word of mouth.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>4.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </strong><strong>Volume</strong>: 66 pages, 8 pictures, 2 diagrams, 28 literary sources, 1 appendix on 2 pages.</p>

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