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The Budgeting System of the Company as a Tool to Introduce and Implement BSC

Student: Marchevskij Dmitrij

Supervisor: Elena Ryabova

Faculty: Faculty of Economics

Educational Programme: Master

Year of Graduation: 2014

This work is devoted to the use of the balanced scorecard for construction budgeting system in the enterprise. As we know, the traditional methods of budgeting are two characteristic features - they take into account only financial indicators and do not reflect the strategic goals of the company. The balanced scorecard allows to build a bridge between strategic business objectives in four main areas (finance, customers, processes, capacity) and operating budgets, allows to take into account long-term objectives in the development of short-term plans.

The aim of this work - to consider the possibility of budgeting as a tool for the implementation of the balanced scorecard in Russian enterprises.

To achieve this goal should be solved several problems.

First, it considers the possibility of planning and budgeting in the workplace. Main attention is paid to the specifics of budgeting in holding structures.

Second, I studied the applicability of the balanced scorecard to improve the efficiency of companies. Primary attention should be paid to the specifics of constructing MTP industrial and selection of specific indicators that are often used by companies such as KPI.

Third, consider the possibility of using the balanced scorecard in the real enterprise. As such, companies have chosen a structural unit of a large industrial holding.         As part of this work were formulated following research hypotheses:Is Balanced Scorecard methodology effective, whether it leads to the desired results, because the experience of some companies in this field is negative?Is there a specificity to develop mechanisms of transition from strategic objectives to budgets for industry?Is there a specificity of balanced development for industrial enterprises?

As a result of research on them the following answers:Balanced Scorecard technique is effective and useful for the company and bad experiences of its application due to errors in use. M. Fedin out the main such errors - fails KPI strategy, misunderstanding staff MTSP targets, indicators of lack of detail.         For most companies use a similar mechanism for the transition from strategic objectives to budgets. AA Kurilova highlights these stages - forming strategic objectives, their detail, the development of indicators in four areas (finance, customers, processes, potential), the purpose of the target values, the development of budgets. The same stages of construction highlights SI Krylov and non-industrial enterprises.         Specificity selection of key performance indicators for industry present and depends, as noted by I. Diskin, from financial holding structure. In the case of centralized holding up KPI basis of costs, as well as indicators of component processes and capabilities, as in the case of decentralized holding - earnings, the client component.

Scientific novelty of the work is to develop a balanced scorecard for companies - fuel rail freight forwarders, members of the business group. Main object of study in this paper is a system of budgeting,  "Oil-Trans." Subject of research - its financial and management reporting of data from its annual reports and other statistical information regulations.         Methodology of the study includes the calculation of key performance indicators, and subsequent analysis using the methods of economic analysis based on the findings obtained in the theoretical part of the work, the definition of KPI and disadvantages considered a proposal to improve the performance of their financial structure of the investigated company.



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