Developing of Mathematical Support for Decision Support System for Clients Loyalty Programs Design
Student: Buyanov Dmitrij
Supervisor: Alexander V. Belov
Faculty: Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics
Educational Programme: Specialist
Final Grade: 9
Year of Graduation: 2014
Developing of Mathematical Support for Decision Support System for Clients Loyalty Programs Design
D.I. Buyanov
Objects of research: marketing systems that use loyalty programs.
Subject of research: methods of loyalty programs’ effectiveness calculating.
Objective: designing of a decision support system for clients loyalty programs design.
Result: algorithmic and mathematical supports, as well as information-logical model of decision support system database have been developed.
Novelty: simple methods of loyalty programs’ effectiveness estimation and trend tracking in change of number of loyal customers, that focus on retail trade with short sales cycle, have been developed.
Implementation prospects: the results of this wok will be used by MaykorExpertekcompany for creating a decision support system for loyalty management module in Trade House integrated accounting system.
Supervisor: associate professor, Ph.D. A.V. Belov.
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