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Performance Index Adjustment for System's Stability Degree Increasing

Student: Elagin Nikita

Supervisor: Mikhail Zotov

Faculty: Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics

Educational Programme: Specialist

Final Grade: 10

Year of Graduation: 2014

<p>Aim of this work is to study control objects with poles on imaginary axes in the scope of building stabilizing regulator in signal optimal filtering problem. Performance indexes that can solve the task both in state and operator spacesare introduced. Their validity is provedwith practice, during which constructed systems are modeled and approaches are compared relatively to stability attribute. A pathto improve stability degree by adjusting weights in performance index is outlined. In addition a Matlab toolkit to build Kalman filter both analytically and numericallyand to solve Weiner-Hopf equation is designed.</p><p style="margin-left:35.25pt;">Supervisor: Prof. M.G. Zotov<br />2014</p>

Full text (added June 10, 2014) (544.46 Kb)

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