Вusiness Game Operation Model Development
Student: Goleva Ekaterina
Supervisor: Olga Vikentyeva
Faculty: Faculty of Economics, Management, and Business Informatics
Educational Programme: Bachelor
Final Grade: 10
Year of Graduation: 2014
Graduation qualification work “Business Game Operation Model Development” connected with the designing and implementation of workbench for the development of active education methods (Competence-based business game studio). Competence business game is a workbench for obtaining of a certain competence level during scenario realization. Scenario determining by business process models corresponding to the chosen knowledge domain. Business game can be represented in the form of cybernetic system with the back coupling that includes control object and controlling system. Control object represented by control model and controlling system represented by operation model in the Competency-based business game studio. Hence, topic of the graduation qualification work connected with the development of program module for realization of operation automaton (operation model) is actual.
The purpose of graduation qualification work is the development of program module that provides performance of operation model functions.
Input data for operation model is the code of the business game scene that defined by control automate (control model) on the basis of business game scenario. Operation model gets from the database by the code of the scene necessary scene resources and show them on the screen. Once reaction of the player to the built model scene was received, operating model changes the current game state. Operation model sends changed game state to the control model through the game state register. After receiving of changed game state control model determines code of the scene that should be shown on the screen at the next moment.
In the course of work following problems were solved:
1. Overview and comparison of systems for designing and performing of business games.
2. Determination of the functional specification for operation model.
3. Design of the database for the perform subsystem.
4. Design of dialog boxes.
5. Development of the operation model on the high-level programming language.
6. Preparation of technical documentation for the developing operation model (technical specifications and user guide).
Result of the graduation qualitative work is the application developed on the C# language designed to perform functions of the operation model, as well as data database of the perform subsystem with the resources that necessary for the game.
The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusion, bibliography and appendices.
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