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Student Employment Management System: Employer Module and Administrator Module

Student: Elokhov Evgenij

Supervisor: Mikhail A. Plaksin

Faculty: Faculty of Economics, Management, and Business Informatics

Educational Programme: Bachelor

Final Grade: 10

Year of Graduation: 2014

<p>This research is conducted on employer module and administrator module of student employment management systems. Nowadays students and employers communicate over various systems such as professional networks, head-hunter sites, to name but a few. Even though there&rsquo;s multitude of student employment systems in universities all over the world, National Research University &ldquo;Higher School of Economics&rdquo; Department of Business Informatics is totally lacking one. The automation of the communication process of employers and students would make great sense for employers.</p><p>The purpose of this work is to develop web-based student employment management system, placing great emphasis on employer module and administrator module, in order to raise the level of collaboration between faculty members and employers. In order to achieve this ultimate aim, the principal objectives to be reached are as follows:</p><ul><li>to study reliable sources of information on the problem of low level of collaboration between universities and employers;</li><li>to investigate the analogues of student employment management system;</li><li>to conduct an employer survey;</li><li>to choose framework for building web-application;</li><li align="left">describe AS_IS business processes ;</li><li align="left">describe TO_BE business processes;</li><li>to create the scope statement;</li><li>to design and develop employer module and administrator module of the information system;</li><li>to create information system documentation;</li><li>to fill the database;</li><li>to conduct operational testing.</li></ul><p>The outcomes of this work are the scope statement, the developed information system (employer module and administrator module) and the information system documentation. It should be noticed that ASP.NET MVC framework was used for building web-application. The developed information system is going to be the instrument of effective collaboration between employers and department members. Firstly, the employers are provided with instant access to strong theoretical background and practical skills of students, not to mention proper search results visualization. Secondly, employers can supply undergraduates with part-time or temporary jobs vacancies, data on their corporate businesses, services. Moreover, employers can play a crucial role in determining topics of courseworks, bachelor&rsquo;s theses, master&rsquo;s theses, or research papers by emphasizing the domains that have golden opportunities to develop. Administrator manages users&rsquo; profiles and removes overdue vacancies.</p>

Full text (added June 11, 2014) (5.88 Kb)

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