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  • Increase in a company's return on assets due to growth of inventory turnover (by the example of a trading company)

Increase in a company's return on assets due to growth of inventory turnover (by the example of a trading company)

Student: Gajshinecz Irina

Supervisor: Aleksandr Putilin

Faculty: Faculty of Logistics

Educational Programme: Bachelor

Year of Graduation: 2014

<ol><li><strong>Topic of the research:</strong></li></ol><p style="margin-left:1.0cm;">&ldquo;Increase in a company&#39;s return on assets due to growth of inventory turnover (by the example of a trading company)&rdquo;</p><ol><li value="2"><strong>Student:</strong></li></ol><p style="margin-left:1.0cm;">Gayshinets Irina, 421L, Faculty of&nbsp; Logistics, National Research University Higher School of &nbsp;Economics</p><ol><li value="3">&nbsp;<strong>Supervisor:</strong></li></ol><p style="margin-left:1.0cm;">Putilin Alexander, senior lecturer</p><ol><li value="4"><strong>Keywords:</strong></li></ol><p style="margin-left:1.0cm;">Return on assets, inventory turnover, building supplies, distributor, inventory management</p><p>In today&#39;s business environment a company should use all the tools to optimize its performance. One of them is the efficient assets management, which can be identified as return on assets. It is logistics that can contribute to growth of return on assets to a large extent.</p><p>But how a company can find potentialities of management improvement due to logistics? This research offers an analysis of the impact of inventory turnover on the efficiency of resources management. In particular, it demonstrates the effectiveness of measures taken for growth of inventory turnover on return on assets by the example of a building supplies distributor.</p><p>The aim of the research is to develop measures to increase the return on assets due to growth of inventory turnover by the example of the distributor of building supplies. In compliance with this aim the following tasks are performed:</p><ul><li>Identify features of inventory management of building supplies;</li><li>Identify typical problems of inventory management leading to decrease in turnover and their causes;</li><li>Identify the linkage between inventory turnover and return on assets;</li><li>Identify ways of inventory turnover improvement in the company;</li><li>Evaluate the economic impact of the proposed measures.</li></ul><p>The object of the research is a trading company, notably a building supplies distributor.</p><p>The subject of the research is inventory turnover management.</p><p>A cycle for inventory turnover improvement was developed in the research, as well as the steps at each stage of this cycle to &nbsp;make the efficiency of asset management better. Moreover, the economic effect of measures proposed was evaluated.</p><ol><li value="5"><strong>Volume</strong>: p - 117, figures - 39, tables &ndash; 19, a list of references - 44</li></ol><p style="margin-left:53.45pt;">&nbsp;</p>

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