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Increasing the Efficiency of Freight Forwarding Company Based on the Improvement of Business Processes

Student: Ry`bakov Kirill

Supervisor: Ludmila Andreyevna Borisova

Faculty: Faculty of Logistics

Educational Programme: Bachelor

Year of Graduation: 2014


1.     Topic of bachelor’s thesis

“Повышение эффективности деятельности экспедиторской компании на базе совершенствования бизнес-процессов”

2.     Student

Kirill Rybakov, group 422L, faculty of logistics

3.     Supervisor

Ludmila Borisova, associate professor

4.     Key words: business-process, improving business-processes,       re-engineering, business process modeling,    Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).

It is shown in this study that the role of improving business processes in modern changing business environment is extremely significant. To be ahead of the curve, it is necessary for companies to control and eliminate “bottlenecks” in their activity by improving business-processes.

The main purpose of this study is to provide methods to increase effectiveness of freight forwarding company on the basis of improving business-processes. Due to this purpose it is necessary to analyze methods of increasing company’s effectiveness and the main methods of business process modeling.

Using the example of Russian freight forwarding company, the system of measures to increase effectiveness on the basis of improving business-processes was generated. To increase effectiveness and competitiveness of analyzed company, it was offered to reduce turnaround time by 28% due to improving business-process “Execution of a customer order”. Implementation of EDI is a strategic resource of order time reducing, because EDI allows reducing the number of departments’ resorts.   Moreover, due to EDI company is needed in fewer employees who take part in handling of an application. Furthermore, organization structure was also changed.

Economic effectiveness of offered measures is presented in this study in the DuPont system of analysis.

Length of bachelor’s thesis: pages – 91, pictures - 22, tables - 30, list of literary sources - 25, appendix – 5 on 6 pages.

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