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Improvement of logistics service on the example of the company “SlavTrans LTD”

Student: Esina Aleksandra

Supervisor: Svetlana Viktorovna Domnina

Faculty: Faculty of Logistics

Educational Programme: Bachelor

Year of Graduation: 2014

<p>It is shown in the study, that the most beneficial strategy to use at freight forwarding companies is to improve the quality of service.</p><p>The general purpose of this study is to develop a system of measures to improve logistics service freight forwarding company, which is engaged in foreign activities for the client by outsourcing. The study describes the main indicators of the level of service, an assessment of existing indicators and benchmarking by applying an assessment of the expected increase in service after the proposed activities.</p><p>Using the example of the company &quot;SlavTrans LTD&quot; a system of measures to improve logistics service at customer service was developed. It was suggested to increase quantity of employees and create a motivation system bonus scheme by evaluation KPI to improve efficiency and reduce run-time tasks. It was also suggested to purchase fleet to fulfill the orders of a certain segment of customers that have experienced the greatest percentage of lost sales and the lowest level of service.</p><p>According to the results of economic calculations both proposals already recouped at the first year without borrowing money. It was proposed to implement the project to attract investment in the form of their own retained earnings and it was considered that the investment will pay off almost 6 times already in the first year.</p>

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