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Improvement of purchasing logistics of LLC «Nestle Russia» on the example of supplying products of «Maggi»

Student: Kukushkina Yuliya

Supervisor: Leonid Borisovich Belov

Faculty: Faculty of Logistics

Educational Programme: Bachelor

Year of Graduation: 2014

1.                Topic of the research – “Improvement of purchaising logistics of LLC "Nestle Russia" on the example of supply of  Maggi”

2.                Student: Kukushkina Yulia Valerievna, 422 L, Faculty of  Logistics, National Research University – Higher School of University

3.                 Supervisor: Belov Leonid Borisovich, K. E. N., associate professor of logistics HSE

4.                Keywords: logistics supply procurement procedure, the selection of suppliers, the supply of food enterprises, ABC - XYZ classification.

In today's business environment you should use all the tools to optimize logistics costs. In the process of development operations of supply has changed significantly. Relations with suppliers are very important, because most of the value for customers provide for manufacturers suppliers. Special attention when choosing a vendor should be paid to the total costs.

The aim is to develop  and  to sub stain theoretical methods of improving the logistics of supplies to reduce logistics costs.

5.                Bachelor Volume Graduate work: p 85, figures 14, tables 27, , a list of references - 26

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