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Storytelling as an Engaging Concept of Content-Marketing Strategy in Communication between a Brand and Audience

Student: Asekritova Ekaterina

Supervisor: Alexander V. Mozhaev

Faculty: Faculty of Creative Industries

Educational Programme: Integrated Communications (Master)

Final Grade: 7

Year of Graduation: 2017

Social networks have entailed changes in communication between a brand and a consumer. Brands have to become a persona and focus on a consumer expectation to hold the attention of the audience. Storytelling as a well-known marketing tool takes on a new meaning in building a content marketing strategy. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of storytelling that involves an audience in the communication with the brand in Instagram in the practice of Russian brands. Researchers have proposed two hypotheses: 1) the Use of storytelling elements positively affects the involvement of the audience in communication with a brand in Instagram; 2) the Use of more than two archetypes and different plots in posts positively influences the involvement of the audience in communication with a brand in Instagram. In the study a method of content-analysis was used. This research paper studies the communication of young Russian brands with the audience on the social network Instagram. Current analysis revealed specific features of storytelling elements that influence the engagement of the audience. It were identified which elements of storytelling affect the engagement rate and the use of several archetypes by the one brand.

Full text (added May 15, 2017)

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